

今回の長野県の松本に行ったのは、昔テレビで見た”おひさま”っていうNHKの大河ドラマがあって それを見てこの辺綺麗なとこやんって 思って よくよく見てると安曇野が舞台で 安曇野ってのは長野の2大都市の松本の少し南、この辺の小さな溝?川見たく大きくはない、道沿いの用水路?のせせらぎがすごくきれいで それを見たいがための松本旅行で さすがにアルプスのふもとです、せせらぎが綺麗!それで この辺の名所を回ってみた。この碌山美術館もその一つ、これは安曇野市にありますが。





■中庭的に、結構 休憩できる。




”考える人”だったっけ”ロダン”という彫刻家は非常に有名だけど 碌山(ろくざん)先生のろくざんは どうもこのロダンからきたもののようだ。絵画を目出してた先生が、なぜか彫刻になったのは ロダンの影響らしくロダンの弟子でもあったそうで 荻原碌山は本名”守衛”というが 碌山になったらしく 日本のロダンとも言われてるらしい。碌山は、バイトをしながらアメリカにいったり、パリを中心にヨーロッパを修行で回ったりと 世界で絵画や彫刻の勉強をし、日本に戻って作品を作り続けて 30歳という若さでこの世をさった。その間につくった作品、彫刻であるが これが石工ではなく”鋳造”って言われるもので 彫刻を作り 塑像を作って それを型にして、鉄やアルミ 真鍮とかが入った合金を溶かしたものを型に流し込んで できたもの それが”鋳造”っていうやつで その作り方も紹介されていたが、なかなかの作業で また、綺麗に人間の形とか 顔の形とかを取るのもあるが、そのでこぼこ感がすごい。油絵みたいで そのでこぼこ感が作った人の個性を表してる感じで なんか奥が深いって感じがする。




また、この荻原碌山という芸術家の人生が面白い。碌山先生には、”相馬愛蔵”という実業家のパトロンがいて、その経緯も面白い。病弱な碌山先生は小さいころから読書が好きで 17歳の頃読書をしてると、”相馬黒光”という通りすがりの若い女性から声をかけられ、その人にいろんな芸術を紹介され、洋画家になろうと決意するが、それが同郷の尊敬する相馬愛蔵の新妻だったという話から始まるが。要は、荻原碌山はこの黒光を好きになってしまう。そして、黒光の夫が事業も順調で やっぱ、浮気をしてしまう。その苦しむ黒光をみて 夫はいない間の埋めあわせをしていたような荻原碌山は、好きな気持ちが絶頂期になって 多分そのことで病になり死んでしまうんだと思うが、ただ相馬夫婦の事業は成功し 東京の喫茶室に始まって 中村屋という有名な存在になってしまい、今現在は食品会社の上場企業になっている。なんともドラマティックないきさつで・・・。



I went to the “Rokuzan Art Museum” in Azumino.

I found out by watching Taiga on NHK.

The reason I went to Matsumoto in Nagano Prefecture this time was because I saw an NHK Taiga drama called “Ohisama” on TV a long time ago. Azumino is a small ditch in the south of Matsumoto, Nagano’s two largest cities. An irrigation canal along the road that isn’t big enough to see the river? I traveled to Matsumoto because I wanted to see the murmuring of the river so beautiful.It is at the foot of the Alps. So I went around the famous places around here. The Rokuzan Art Museum is one of them, although it is located in Azumino City.

Rokuzan Ogiwara from Hotaka

The Rokuzan Art Museum is a private museum of Rokuzan Ogiwara, who was born in Hotaka, Azumino. Also on display are works by artists closely related to Rokuzan, such as Kotaro Takamura, Kogan Tobari, and Teijiro Nakahara. Rokuzan’s sculptures, paintings, letters, etc. are exhibited in a building reminiscent of a Christian church. It was registered as a national important cultural property in 2009. To be frank, I’ve heard of Kotaro Takamura, but I didn’t know much about Rokuzan-sensei, but this person’s story is pretty good…

He was also a disciple of Rodin.

Was he a “thinker”? The sculptor named “Rodin” is very famous, but Mr. Rokuzan’s Rokuzan seems to have come from this Rodin. For some reason, the teacher who was interested in painting turned to sculpture because of the influence of Rodin, who was also a disciple of Rodin. It seems to be While working part-time, Rokuzan went to the United States, traveled around Europe mainly in Paris, studied painting and sculpture, and returned to Japan to continue creating works. I left this world. The sculptures that I made during that time were not masonry work, but what is called “casting.” The thing that is made by pouring it into a mold is called “casting”, and the method of making it was also introduced, but it’s quite a work, and there are also things like the shape of a human being and the shape of a face, but the unevenness It feels great. It’s like an oil painting, and he feels like he has a deep feeling because the bumpy feeling expresses the personality of the person who made it.

Encounter with Kuromitsu Soma

Also, the life of this artist, Rokuzan Ogiwara, is interesting. Rokuzan-sensei has an industrialist patron named “Soma Aizo,” and the background is also interesting. The sickly Mr. Rokuzan has loved reading since he was a child.When he was 17, he was reading a book when he was approached by a young woman passing by named Kuromitsu Soma. He decides to marry him, but it starts with the story that it was the new wife of Aizo Soma, who he respects from the same hometown. In short, Rokuzan Ogiwara falls in love with this black light. And Kuroko’s husband is doing well in her business, so she ends up having an affair. Seeing Kuroko suffer, Rokuzan Ogiwara, who seemed to be trying to make amends for her husband’s absence, reached the height of his love for him, and I think he would probably fall ill and die because of it, but it was just the Soma couple. The business was successful, starting as a coffee shop in Tokyo and becoming a famous company called Nakamuraya, and is now a listed food company. What a dramatic turn of events…


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