

愛媛県の松山に行った際に、お昼ご飯を食べようとして・・・。やっぱ、愛媛県といえば鯛めしです。よく愛媛県に来ると、 鯛めしを探してますがなかなかいいところがありません。



で、ここの鯛めし屋さんは、ほぼ予約だそうですが タイミングよく空いてるということでお昼ご飯ではありますが入れさせていただきました。その辺も大変ラッキーでした。

普通は予約で入れないそうですが、やっぱ時期が時期ですので そのぶんすいていたのでしょう。

まだ開店時間に満たなかったので、中に入れてもらって待っていました。で、席に案内されて・・・、どうだろう、待つこと30分ぐらいで 鯛めしの定食?って感じのものが来ました。




古民家風居酒屋って感じの空間ではありますが、なかなかのものです。座敷に座るということだけではなくて、テーブルで食べることもできる そういった場所もあります。


三津浜というところにあるんですが、なかなかの風情なので と思って調べてみたら、有形文化財のようです。

で、 2階もあるし個室もあるみたいです。 俳句なんかも関係あるみたいで、待たされたテーブルの上には、そういった同人誌が置かれてありました。




あとお刺身とかにつけとか・・・、とりあえずは鯛めしがメインですが、 変わった味のひじきが出ました。味がかぼすかな・・・?そんな感じの味でした。 普通ひじきは甘いような感じですが、そうではなくって酸っぱい中に、何とも言えない美味しさです。


鯛めしを食べたい際には また是非寄りたいと思います。


A sea bream rice shop called “Taiya” in Matsuyama City. When you think of Ehime Prefecture, you think of sea bream rice. Excellent.

Speaking of Ehime, it is sea bream rice.

When I went to Matsuyama in Ehime Prefecture, I was about to eat lunch. After all, Ehime Prefecture is synonymous with sea bream rice. When I often come to Ehime Prefecture, I’m looking for sea bream rice, but I can’t find a good one.

But this time, when I suddenly looked up a sea bream restaurant on my mobile phone, I said that it was nearby. This is a hit. It’s quite an atmosphere, the entrance is nice, the goodwill is up, and the location is just right as you can park your car in the parking lot in front.

I guess it’s pretty close to the seaside, but is it an old road in the countryside? This is also a taste.

So, it seems that the sea bream rice shop here is almost booked, but she was vacant at the right time, so I was able to enter it for lunch. I was very lucky in that area.

It seems that you can’t usually get in with a reservation, but it’s the season, so it must have been crowded.

It wasn’t open yet, so I waited for them to let me in. Then, I was shown to my seat… I wonder what it would be like to wait about 30 minutes for a set meal of sea bream rice? Something like that came.

It seems that it is 2200 yen.

Sea bream rice shop like an old private house

This location is the best. I had it in a tatami room, but it is quite wide so that about 6 people can sit. I sit directly on the tatami mats, but the scenery of the outside garden is also quite tasteful.

It’s a space that feels like an old private house-style izakaya, but it’s pretty good. There are places where you can not only sit in a tatami room, but also eat at a table.

However, it feels like eating in a tatami room is more elegant.

It’s located in a place called Mitsuhama, and I thought it was quite atmospheric, so I looked it up and found that it’s a tangible cultural property.

So, it seems that there is also a private room on the second floor. Haiku seems to have something to do with it, and there was such a doujinshi on the table I was waiting for.

It seems that other museums are also doing it, isn’t it quite vague locally? I’m assuming so…

The soup was excellent.

And about the sea bream meal, the soup was wonderful and delicious. There was a lot of sea bream soup and there was nothing more to say.

Also, sashimi and dipping… For the time being, sea bream rice is the main dish, but a strange taste of hijiki came out. Does it taste like kabosu? It tasted like that. Hijiki is usually sweet, but it’s not so sour, but it’s delicious.

I like it. For the time being, I came to Matsuyama for sightseeing, but I found a good place unintentionally.

When I want to eat sea bream rice, I would like to stop by again.

I am satisfied with the delicious sea bream rice, thank you very much.


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