

姫路に網干区って所があって 初めて行ってみた。古い街並みや臨海沿いには”ダイセル”のような でかい工業会社があって なんで栄えてるかわからん町なのか でも”ダイセル”とかを見ると栄えてるって感じもする。全体的には良い町じゃないですか?この網干の町は昔の漁師街らしく 海苔養殖とかで栄えたらしく その後は廻船問屋って感じがある。街並みにも水路があり その経路で海に出て 船で物資を各地方に運ぶ。明治初期のころの廻船で栄えた漁師街は各地に多いし、よく見ます。網干もそんな街なんでしょう。







そんな中に”旧山本家住宅”がある。和洋折衷の 和と洋の建物、この山本氏もこの網干の名士でもあり、廻船業とかで財をなし、網干銀行の頭取や網干の町長まで務めた。その氏が建てたこの建物。明治初期の建物らしいですが、外観もすごいが中も見ごたえがある。ステンドグラスや昔のおしゃれな電灯、洋間。和式は和式で 昔のお金持ちの日本家屋って感じがすごい。廊下沿いに日本間の部屋がたくさんある。掛け軸とかも高そうで 欄間も見事です。






しかし、このころの洋風建築には必ず、ステンドグラスが施されている。それと昔のまるっぽい室内灯、いろんな形の種類の電気、これって特注なのかな。割と各所の室内灯に違いがあって 結構いい感じの室内灯が多い。シャンデリアや室内灯はレトロ品として世に出したら結構、高値でうれそうな、それと 各家ではちがう”ステンドグラス”、これはもちろん特注なんでしょう。完璧に違いますし やっぱ家長が支持し 家にちなんだ文様とかデザインが入ってる、これらも高そう。この山本家もそんな重要文化財の塊です。すごいです、昔のカネモは・・・。




大阪から姫路に行くまでの道順的には 車で行くなら 基本的に山陽道か中国道、それかバイパスを通る そんな道順があって、どれが近いかって言うと やっぱ山陽道が行きやすいかなと思うが・・・。 ただ、垂水のインターチェンジのところがなかなか難しい。明石海峡大橋、四国方面に行く途中の 山陽道への道順を少し間違いそうになる。たまに間違えて 淡路島に行ってしまうことがある・・・。変だけどね、だけど気をつけなくてはいけないので 簡単なのは 月見山起こして まっすぐ行ってバイパスに入る方がわかりやすいかな。バイパスに関しては、阪神高速をそのままずっと行けば、自動的にバイパスに入りますから、ただ どうしても街並みを走っているので車が混む、というのが難です。 一番、車が少ないのは中国道だと思いますが、かなり海岸縁までの距離があって 下に降りるのが大変、だからほとんど使わないとは思いますが・・・、やっぱり山陽道でしょう。車も適量だし 下に降りるのも近い。この辺いつも迷うところですが、バイパスを通るよりも 山陽道ですか・・・?





※ちなみに 近辺で有名な建物”旧網干銀行”にもいってみた。この辺じゃめずらしいぐらいの洋館 近代建築、ここも重要文化財に指定されてるんじゃないかあ、たぶん、緑めいたレッテルが貼られている。

この近辺の街並みを見て、その後は海岸べりの方に行くのがいいかな。ダイセルとかの工場があって その建物内部の異人館的なものを見るのも実に面白いと思う。 ダイセルが技術を進めるにあたって 外国の技術者をたくさん日本に受け入れ その技術を高めた。その際に外国の方がたが住んでいた洋館がある。結構映えてます。 そこから海の方に行くと 結構公園があって やっぱり姫路ぐらいまで来ると結構海も綺麗です。海風に与えると思いますので おすすめかな。


この辺の街並みの面白いところは、やっぱり都会のようにビルが全然ありません。本当昔の日本の街並みって感じです。街並みと言うか住宅地ですか?で、突然のように、結構昔のお金持ちさんの家が出てきたりします。それが旧山本家だったりするわけですが、その辺が面白いところです。家の作り方が近所のものとは少し違う、 と言うか見るからにお金持ち的なそんな感じではあります。 一種、平地に立ってるお寺さんのようなそんな感じの建物、これがお金持ちの旧家になる、近江八幡の町並みなんかもそんな感じだったと思いますが。なかなか古風で 人通りもなく 少し安らぎます。その辺が  のんびりとこういう場所に行くところの良い点だと思いますが・・・、どうでしょう。

I went to Aboshi-ku, Himeji, “Old Yamamoto residence”. The residence of a wealthy man who made his fortune in the shipping industry.

A town called Aboshi Ward

There was a place called Aboshi Ward in Himeji, and I went there for the first time. There is a big industrial company like “Daisel” in the old townscape and along the coast, and I don’t know why he is prospering, but when I see “Daisel”, I feel that it is prospering. Overall it’s a nice town, isn’t it? Aboshi seems to have been a fishing town in the old days, and he seems to have prospered with seaweed farming, and he seems to have been a shipping wholesaler after that. There is a waterway in the city, and he goes out to sea along that route and carries goods to each region by ship. There are many fishing towns in various places that prospered with shipping in the early Meiji era, and I often see them. Aboshi is also such a city.

Former Yamamoto Residence

In such a place, there is the “Old Yamamoto Residence”. A blend of Japanese and Western styles, Mr. Yamamoto was also a well-known figure in Aboshi, making a fortune in the shipping business, and even served as president of Aboshi Bank and mayor of Aboshi. This building was built by Mr. It seems to be a building in the early Meiji period, but the exterior is amazing, but the inside is worth seeing. Stained glass, old fashioned electric lights, Western-style room. Japanese style is Japanese style, and the feeling of an old rich Japanese house is amazing. There are many Japanese-style rooms along the corridor. The hanging scroll looks expensive, and the transom is also splendid.

The inside of the house is amazing!

However, Western-style buildings in those days always had stained glass. Also, the round interior lights of the past, and the various types of electricity, I wonder if this is a special order. There are quite a few indoor lights that are quite different, and there are many that are quite nice. The chandeliers and interior lights, if released as retro products, would be quite expensive and would be appreciated. It’s completely different, and he is supported by the head of the family and has patterns and designs related to the house, and these look expensive. This Yamamoto family is also a cluster of such important cultural properties. It’s amazing, the old Kanemo…


As for the route from Osaka to Himeji, if you’re going by car, you’ll basically need to take the Sanyo Expressway, the Chugoku Expressway, or the bypass. but···. However, the Tarumizu interchange is quite difficult. On the way to Akashi Kaikyo Bridge and Shikoku, I almost made a mistake in the directions to the Sanyo Expressway. Sometimes I go to Awaji Island by mistake… It’s weird, but you have to be careful, so the easiest way is to wake up Tsukimiyama and let him go straight into the bypass. As for the bypass, if you go straight on the Hanshin Expressway, it will automatically enter the bypass, so it’s difficult because he’s running on the streets, so the cars are crowded. I think the Chugoku Expressway has the least number of cars, but it’s quite a distance to the coast and it’s difficult to get down, so I don’t think I’ll use it much, but I think it’s the Sanyo Expressway. . The car is just right and it’s close to getting off. I always get lost around here, but is it Sanyo Expressway rather than going through the bypass?

After looking at the streets around here, I think it would be nice to go to the coast. There is a factory like Daicel, and he thinks it’s really interesting to see the foreigner-like things inside the building. As Daicel advanced its technology, he brought in many foreign engineers to Japan, and he improved his skills. There is a Western-style building where foreigners lived at that time. It looks great. If you go to the sea from there, there are quite a few parks, and he said that when you come to Himeji, the sea is quite beautiful. I think I’ll give it to the sea breeze, so I’d recommend him.

The interesting thing about the streets around here is that there are no buildings at all like in the city. It feels like a real old Japanese town. Is it a townscape or a residential area? And then, out of nowhere, a fairly old rich man’s house pops up. That is the former Yamamoto family, but that is the interesting part. The construction of the house is a little different from the one in the neighborhood, or rather, it looks like a rich man. I think the townscape of Omihachiman was like that, a building that looks like a temple standing on a flat ground, and this is the old house of a rich man. It’s quite old-fashioned and deserted, so it’s a little more relaxing. I think that’s the good thing about him going to places like this leisurely… what do you think?


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