



またこの日も暑くってこの近辺は、相当森が多く やっぱセミの鳴き声がすごかった。クマゼミばっかりって感じでした。

そんな中に善通寺総合会館があってその隣に 目的の旧善通寺偕行社があります。







てことで、面白かったのは隣接する善通寺市総合会館です。入るといきなり”偕行社かふぇ”という喫茶があって、この建物の用途どおり 社交場としての用途があって この喫茶室はすごく広くて、周りがガラス貼りで景色がすごく良かった。



非常に美味しかったです。外の景色も最高で 香川県の夏っていう感じです、ていうか善光寺の夏って感じですね。



入った時に、音楽が鳴っていたので 吹奏楽か何かの練習をしていたみたいですが、あとでホールに行くと そこで練習をやってたみたいで アンプや配線が立ち並んでました。

これが総合会館と廊下で繋がっていた喫茶室を出て、旧善通寺偕行社行けるようになっていて そこにでっかいホールがありました。

ここで練習をしていたみたいです。 しかしこの総合会館、立派でモダンで また来たい場所です・・・、是非に・・・。

I went to the former Zentsuji Kaikosha, an army building in Kagawa prefecture. Cafe is good.

Is Zentsuji City an army town?

I went to Zentsuji city in Kagawa prefecture in Shikoku. In addition to Kukai, this place is famous for its many army buildings and bases. Although the town is relatively small, there are many such buildings.

So, I really want to go to the former Zentsuji Kaikosha.

It was hot again that day, and there were a lot of forests around here, so he heard cicadas singing loudly. I felt like I was just a bear cicada.

In the midst of this, there is the Zentsuji Sogo Kaikan, and next to it is the old Zentsuji Kaikosha.

The building is modern and has some great features.

Former Zentsuji Kaikosha is a historical building located in Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture.

It was built in 1903 (Meiji 36) in what was then Zentsuji-cho, Nakatado-gun as a gathering place and social gathering place for the army officers of the former 11th Army Division. It is an important cultural property of the country.

In the Renaissance style, in the center of the front is a porch with a Doric prism and a triangular pediment.

Emperor Showa also stayed here in 1926.

“Kaikosha Cafe” is good.

By the way, what was interesting was the adjacent Zentsuji City General Hall. As soon as I entered, there was a cafe called “Kaikosha Cafe”, and as the purpose of this building was, it was used as a social gathering place.

I am very satisfied. So, I asked for the morning menu, pizza toast, coffee, and iced coffee. This pizza toast was excellent and very delicious.

The bread is fluffy and very tasty, and the chili sauce and cheese are melted, and the bacon peppers are like that.

It was very delicious. The scenery outside is also great; it feels like summer in Kagawa Prefecture, or rather, it feels like summer in Zenkoji.

For the time being, the building was modern and cool.

There is a hall inside.

When I entered the hall, there was music playing, so it seems that they were practicing a brass band or something.

This was connected to the General Assembly Hall by a corridor, and it was possible to go to the former Zentsuji Kaikosha from the tea room, and he had a huge hall there.

It’s like practicing here. However, this General Assembly Hall is a splendid and modern place that he wants to visit again… by all means…


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