



建物は、フランス風の建物で国の重要文化財になっています。 松山藩主の主家の子孫であり伯爵の地位を得ていた久松定謨が1922年に建築した別荘が萬翠荘である。

松山市では最も古い鉄筋コンクリートの建物です。 完成直後の大正11年ぐらいには、昭和天皇が滞在場所として使用していた。その後皇室が、この場所を滞在先として使用、 当時の社交場そしてたくさんの名士が集まっていたと言います。




車で行きましたが、駐車場完備で 結構いきやすい。やっぱ、訪問しやすいのがいい。また、建物の近くに行くと猫が2匹、中に入りたいのか、でも入れてくれないみたいで人が来るのを待っています。

それで従業員の女性の方が出入りすると、館内に入るのですが すぐに追い出されます。1階は割とお土産物があって、部屋も公開されています。



しかし、松山つったら道後温泉ぐらいかなと思ったら、見所満載です。この晩水槽もありますし、愛媛県庁も見応えタップし、古い建物の中に と言うか洋式?の建物の中に、すごく近代建築の課題があります。

これって見ものです。結構いいですけどね、お勧めですけど どうでしょう。

I went to “Bansuiso” in Matsuyama City. A villa built in 1992 by a descendant of the Matsuyama feudal lord.

I went to Bansuiso.

There is a place called Matsuyama in Ehime Prefecture, and Bansuiso is in the city area.

This building is built in a quiet place in a guarded place just off a big road.

The building is a French-style building and is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Bansuiso was built in 1922 by Hisamatsu Sadatou, who was a descendant of the head of the Matsuyama domain and had the status of count.

It is the oldest reinforced concrete building in Matsuyama City. In 1926, immediately after its completion, Emperor Showa used it as a place to stay. After that, the imperial family used this place as a place to stay, and it is said that it was a social gathering place at that time and many celebrities gathered there.

Pretty much in nature…

Went to this place during the hot summer. The surrounding area is full of trees, and cicadas are chirping. It was that kind of place.

I went there by car, but it’s pretty easy to get to because it has a parking lot. After all, it is good that it is easy to visit. Also, when I go near the building, two cats are waiting for people to come because they want to go inside but they won’t let me in.

So when a female employee comes in and out, she enters the building, but is quickly kicked out. There are souvenirs on the first floor, and the rooms are open to the public.

Then go upstairs and see the many different rooms. That’s how it is.

Matsuyama has a lot to offer.

However, if you think Matsuyama Tsutara is about Dogo Onsen, it is full of highlights. There is also a water tank this evening, and the Ehime Prefectural Government Office is also impressive, and it is in an old building, or should I say Western style? There is a very modern architectural challenge in the building.

This is something to see. It’s pretty good, but I recommend it, but what about him?


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