

和歌山は、大阪湾岸線を通って泉南方面へ そんで和歌山市で高速をおりて市内のほうにいく。最近は高速も和歌山南、と北?東?かなんかと降り口が2個になった。市内はやっぱ、昔からある高速の降り口から降りて 市内に向かって走る、30分ぐらい走るのかな~ JRの和歌山駅とか、和歌山城とかが見えてくる。和歌山市は、車から見てる感じ結構昔ながらの街並みが多くって もちろん、和歌山駅の前あたりは近代的な道路、ビルになってるが 少し離れるとやっぱ昔ながらの家屋が増えてくる。わりと古風な町って感じですが。それと拠点がJR和歌山駅と 南海の和歌山市駅の前界隈と2つに分かれてるように思えるが、市駅の前のほうがわりと繁華街っぽい。”アロチ”って商店街?っていうか昔の繁華街のあたりが面白い。この界隈の川沿いには、昔、大人向けのお店がたくさんあって そのネオンが川面に映って 繁華街のフインキが増すというか そんなロケーションだった。今はそんなフインキも消えて 道路なんかも整備されてわりと近代的になってきている感じですが・・・。


そんな町のというか商店街の脇に”ヒスイ”という なんていうのこれ レトロチックな建物、少し近代建築の喫茶店がある。この並びにこんな建物がって感じですが、面白いですって。そんでこの喫茶店の中が面白いっていうんで 入ろうとしたら今日は休み?お店があいてないので 近辺の人に聞いてみたら 最近はあいてるときとあいていない時があるみたいで 店主が年がいってるのか、今日は体調が悪いのでっていう理由とかで やってないことも多いらしく せっかく和歌山まで来たのに中には入れませんでした。残念です。




次は堀止界隈のレトロな建築の病院?が面白いっていうんで そっちを見に行った。この堀止っていうところも昔は少し繁華街っぽく栄えていたような気がするが、最近はイズミヤもなく にぎわいも少ない感じですが、やっぱ堀止です。ここは、JR和歌山駅から和歌浦、白浜のほうへ 42号線方面にいくと、和歌山城、 府庁あたりを通って 和歌浦の入り口方面 42号線方面に向かう途中にある。和歌山城から近い感じ。ほんと昔のほうが栄えていた感じがしますが、この堀止を少し行くと 住宅街があって、和歌浦方面に行く手前とかにくるともう田舎って感じです。その堀止に近代建築風の建物がある。堀止を通り過ぎたあたりにも ファッションって書いた やってるのかやってないのかわからないような建物もあって これも面白い。




A nice building in Wakayama city. It’s nice to have a coffee shop that’s still in business, or an old hospital.

Wakayama City is quite an old-fashioned town.

For Wakayama, take the Osaka Wangan Line towards Sennan, get off the highway at Wakayama City, and head towards the city. Recently, the expressway is also Wakayama South and North? east? There are now two exits. In the city, after all, get off at the exit of the old expressway and run towards the city, it will take about 30 minutes~ You will see JR Wakayama Station and Wakayama Castle. Wakayama City has a lot of old-fashioned townscapes that you can see from a car, and of course there are modern roads and buildings in front of Wakayama Station, but if you go a little further, you’ll find more and more old-fashioned houses. It feels like an old town. In addition, it seems that the base is divided into two areas, one in front of JR Wakayama Station and the other in front of Wakayamashi Station on the Nankai Sea, but the area in front of the city station looks more like a downtown area. Is “Aroch” a shopping street? I mean, the area around the old downtown area is interesting. There used to be a lot of shops for adults along the river in this neighborhood, and he said that the neon lights reflected on the surface of the river increased the excitement of the downtown area. Now that kind of huink has disappeared, and the roads have been improved, and it feels like it’s becoming relatively modern…

There is a coffee shop called “Hisui”.

In such a town, on the side of the shopping street, there is a coffee shop with a retro-chic building and a little modern architecture called “Hisui”. It feels like there is such a building in this row, but it is interesting. Then I heard that the inside of this coffee shop was interesting, and if I went in, would it be closed today? The store isn’t open, so I asked around and it seems that there are times when it’s open and times when it’s not. It seems that there are many things that are not there, so I could not enter even though I came all the way to Wakayama. I’m sorry.

Horidome neighborhood now.

Next is a retro-style hospital in the Horidome neighborhood? was interesting, so he went to see it. I think this place called Horidome used to prosper a little like a downtown area, but recently there is no Izumiya and it feels like he is less busy, but it’s still Horidome. This is on the way from JR Wakayama Station to Wakaura and Shirahama on Route 42, passing Wakayama Castle and the prefectural government office on the way to Route 42 towards the entrance of Wakaura. Feeling close to Wakayama Castle. It really feels like it was more prosperous in the old days, but if you go a little further from this Horidome, you’ll find a residential area, and if you come to Wakanoura, you’ll feel like you’re in the countryside. There is a building with a modern architectural style at the moat stop. Even after passing the moat, there are buildings where he wrote about fashion, and it’s hard to tell whether he’s doing it or not, and he’s also interesting.


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