

大阪の水路事情って結構おもしろい。大きな淀川があって その淀川の際から少し細い支流?なのかな~ 川があって、これが土佐堀通り沿いに抜けていく。淀川はでかいが、この支流は割と小さく 隠れて大阪湾に出るにはいい感じの川ですが。それで天満橋のあたりからの土佐堀通りに関しては、西区堀江にある土佐稲荷、三菱商会の跡地が関与して 材木や物資を運ぶための船の水路が、昔、商売に使われていてその代表が三菱とかだったので やっぱ、土佐商会の”土佐堀”になったんでしょう。って明治初期のころの話ですが、この川沿いの”泉布観”にも 当時明治天皇が来たらしい、というか明治天皇の別荘ってかんじですか?



■泉布観 横から

■泉布観 内部


この”泉布観”、いいです。割と都会の都島界隈の 大きな橋のは入り口ぐらいにあって、川沿いにある。船をつけて乗り降りしやすいロケーションって感じですが、この界隈は大阪城も近く 結構、城下町的な界隈だとは思いますが、でも ロケーションは最高じゃないですか。街的にも京橋を中心に 松下の高層ビルも建って結構、近代化された良い町になっている。いいじゃないですか。

■泉布観 シャンデリアがきれい。

■泉布観 2階の廊下

■泉布観 2階の廊下

■泉布観 2階からの風景


”泉布観”は大阪最古の洋風建築で、もともとは造幣局の応接所として建築されたらしく そういや、造幣局も近いですし。明治4年に建てられて 明治天皇が3回来たそうだ。その他、諸国の要人をも迎えたそうだ。名前は”貨幣”を意味する泉布と”館”を意味する観で、”泉布観”と命名されたそうだ。大正6年には大阪市に移管されて、昭和31年には国の重要文化財に指定された。また、その横の旧桜ノ宮公会堂もいい感じで 当日はここのレストランで結婚式が行われていた。その面々が入り口階段で記念写真をとっていた。日取りもよく天気で 幸せそうな新婚さん、建物もおしゃれだし庭もおしゃれで ロケーションもよく 前の道もでかい、都会って感じのビルがたくさん建っててすごいです。近場には確か帝国ホテルとか 高層マンションが建ってる、大阪城も見える、大阪では良い環境じゃないですか。天神祭もあるし、造幣局の通り抜けもある、良いですね。

■泉布観 結構いい文様


I went to “Senpukan” in Osaka. You can come by boat along the river, feeling like Emperor Meiji’s villa.

Waterway situation in Osaka

Osaka’s waterway situation is quite interesting. There is a large Yodo River, and he is a slightly narrow tributary from the edge of the Yodo River? I wonder if there is a river that runs along Tosabori Street. The Yodo River is huge, but this tributary is relatively small, and it’s a nice river to hide out into Osaka Bay. As for Tosabori-dori from around Temmabashi, Tosa Inari Shrine in Horie, Nishi-ku, and the former site of Mitsubishi Shokai are involved. Because of that, it must have become “Tosabori” of Tosa Shokai. It’s a story from the early Meiji era, but it seems that the Emperor Meiji also came to this riverside “Senpukan” at that time, or rather, does it feel like Emperor Meiji’s villa?

Miyakojima has recently become a modern city.

This “Izumibu view” is good. The large bridge in the relatively urban Miyakojima neighborhood is at the entrance, along the river. It feels like a location where it’s easy to get on and off with a boat, but this area is quite close to Osaka Castle, and I think it’s a castle town area, but isn’t he the best location? In terms of town, Kyobashi is the center of the city, and Matsushita’s high-rise buildings have been built, making it a modernized and good town. That’s a good idea.

What is “Izumibukan”?

“Senpukan” is Osaka’s oldest Western-style building, and it seems that it was originally built as a reception room for the Japan Mint. It was built in the 4th year of the Meiji era, and it is said that Emperor Meiji visited three times. In addition, it is said that dignitaries from various countries were also welcomed. The name is said to have been named “Senpu Kan”, which means “money” and “kan” meaning “mansion”. In 1917, it was transferred to Osaka City, and in 1956, it was designated as a national important cultural property. Also, the former Sakuranomiya public hall next to it looks nice, and a wedding ceremony was held at this restaurant on that day. All of them were taking a commemorative photo at the entrance stairs. The weather is nice and the newlyweds look happy. If I’m not mistaken, the Imperial Hotel and other high-rise condominiums are built nearby, and you can see Osaka Castle, so it’s a good environment in Osaka. There is also the Tenjin Festival, and there is also a passage through the Mint Bureau, which is good.


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