

  1. 旧八木通商本社ビル、もともとは銀行なんですね。
  2. 旧八木通商本社ビルは2階建てから3階建てに。そして、高層マンションに。
  3. 高層マンションは相場はやっぱ、70平米で4000万ぐらい。
  4. 八木通商始め 各企業は東京本社へと。
  5. 企業跡のビルはマンションへ。


旧八木通商本社ビルに行ってきました。綺麗なビルです、とくに外壁の彫刻がすてきなビルで やっぱ目を引きます。旧八木通商本社ビルは、大正時代に建てられた もと大阪農工銀行で

これを 八木通商が買い取って本社にしたみたいです。やっぱ、もとは銀行なんですね。この辺ていうか 北浜に連なって。


この辺は金融系ビルの宝庫で、すごいビルばかりがありますが、最近は近場旅がすきで その趣味のいっかんが 近代建築です。


この旧八木通商本社ビルもその一つです。むかしは2階建ての銀行だったらしく それを3階にした、そのあと2010年ぐらいに八木通商の本社ビルではなくなり、今や高層マンションになっている。


最近は、都心の高層マンションがはやってて 中央区全体にっていうか この辺の北浜界隈にも多くなってきている。このへんから、南にかけて 徐々に歓楽街的にはなってきますが、会社ビル?テナントビルも多いが、マンションも多くなってきている。相場はやっぱ、70平米で4000万ぐらいかな 超豪華はやっぱ最上階で1億ぐらいにはなると思いますが・・・。とりあえず、タワーが多いです。


■この高層かん タワーといってもいいでしょう!

■この彫刻が見事 昔のビルはほぼこんなんですが、残してほしいです。






■この入口 ちょうかっこういい!!

八木通商始め 各企業は東京本社へと。

八木通商も昔は 船場が代表のように 大阪も繊維系は有名だったが、今や海外生産品ばっかでしょうから、

あまり関係なく お金があれば やっぱ東京でしょ、特に海外ブランドとかだと 繊維というよりはファッションですから、


バブル崩壊後、中小企業も減ったし テナントに入る会社も経費削減っていってから もうずいぶん経つ、大手銀行も社屋を売って 家賃を払ったほうがコストもやすく 一時的な大金も入るってことで、また、大阪は不景気になってから結構立つが、個人のほうが生産性がいいのでしょうか?

やたらと マンションが増えてる感じがする。


マンションとしては、旧八木通商本社ビルのマンションも 一階に喫茶めいたものがあり、場所もいい、ビルも豪華で 結構、高いマンションだとは思いますが、う~ん 広さにもよりますが、5000万以上はするかも・・・。

帝国ホテルの横のタワーで ワンルームが5000万ぐらいだから、コンシェルジュがあったりすると やっぱ5000万以上はしそうですが・・・、ビルも高いが値段も高い、だいたいこれって分譲か?賃貸しだったら家賃も高いね きっと・・。


Former Yagi Trading headquarters building, now a high-rise apartment building, but still beautiful sculptures.

Former Yagi Trading Headquarters Building was originally a bank

I went to the former Yagi Tsusho head office building. It’s a beautiful building, especially in a building with a nice carving on the outer wall, and he really catches my eye. The former Yagi Trading Headquarters Building was built in the Taisho Era and was originally the Osaka Agriculture and Industrial Bank.

It seems that Yagi Tsusho bought this and made it the head office. After all, it was originally a bank. This area is connected to Kitahama.

The former Yagi Tsusho head office building was changed from two stories to three stories. and high-rise apartments.

This area is a treasure trove of financial buildings, and there are only amazing buildings, but recently I love traveling to nearby places, and one of my hobbies is modern architecture.

Most of them are objects of the Meiji period.

This former Yagi Trading Headquarters Building is one of them. It used to be a two-story bank, but he made it three, and then around 2010, it ceased to be Yagi Tsusho’s head office building, and is now a high-rise apartment building.

The market price for high-rise condominiums is about 40 million yen for 70 square meters.

Recently, high-rise condominiums in the center of the city have become popular, and there are more and more of them in Chuo Ward, or even in the Kitahama area around here. From this area to the south, it gradually becomes like an entertainment district, but is it a company building? There are many tenant buildings, but the number of condominiums is also increasing. The market price is about 40 million yen for 70 square meters, but I think the top floor of the super luxurious room will be about 100 million yen… First of all, there are many towers.

Starting with Yagi Tsusho, each company moved to the Tokyo headquarters.

In the past, Yagi Tsusho was also famous for its textiles in Osaka, just like Senba was the representative, but now it seems that all the products are made overseas.

It doesn’t really matter if he has money, he’ll be in Tokyo, especially when it comes to overseas brands, it’s fashion rather than textiles.

Tokyo is better than Osaka, and the creators who can do it are delicious, and the media is big, sticky, and advertising is important.

After the collapse of the bubble economy, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises has decreased, and it has been a long time since tenant companies have cut costs. So, Osaka has been quite successful since the recession, but is individual productivity better?

I feel like he’s getting more and more apartments.

The building of the company remains to the apartment.

As for condominiums, the former Yagi Tsusho headquarters building also has a café-like space on the first floor, and the location is nice, and the building is gorgeous. However, it may be more than 50 million.

In the tower next to the Imperial Hotel, he has a one-room apartment of about 50 million yen, so if there is a concierge, it seems that he will pay more than 50 million yen… The building is expensive, but the price is also high. If it’s a rental, the rent will be expensive, I’m sure he…

I think it’s a resident, but the car was parked in front of the apartment, but it was a new Benz Yonk.


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