

何年もまえに、大阪の市内に生野区って所があって 割と在日の韓国人や朝鮮のひとたちがたくさん住む街、”鶴橋”っていう場所がある。当時、学校も近くだったので 鶴橋の駅前で少しの期間、それでも半年以上はいたと思うが、バイトをしていた。

内容は喫茶店のバーテン、ウエイター そんな内容でしたが。飲食のバイトは食事つきなので それでいて時給も 当時はまあまあで また、暇なときはめっちゃヒマなので 結構 楽なのです。それでバイトをしてたんですが、そのうち店に 当時、ポーカーゲームを置くということになって 店がオールナイト営業になった。

時給がよくなったので それでもいいと思って夜中に その店で働いていた。朝方になって モーニングのお客さんが来るので その準備に取り掛かる。当時のモーニングっていうのは メニューがコーヒーに、トーストにゆでタマゴといったメニューで これがなんと150円 めっちゃ安い。それで朝からお客さんで目一杯になる。

っていっても 20人もいないか まっ、そんな感じでしたが、時間が30分ぐらいのあいだに ドッと来店されるので めっちゃ忙しい。


とりあえず、朝のモーニングの卵を仕入れに 向かいにある”鶴橋の公設市場”に行っていた。その頃の鶴橋の市場は、かめに入ったキムチでいっぱいって感じで しかも、韓国仕立てなので 辛さの気方が違う。

その頃の日本で作ったキムチは なぜか口に入れた瞬間から辛い。だけど、鶴橋のキムチは 口に入れた時はおいしく 少し時間がたってから辛みが来る。それも結構深みのある辛みで これが結構おいしい。

そんなキムチが 市場ではたくさんあった。見た目の市場も 古い感じの暗い感じの昔の市場で 綺麗といった感じではなかった。もちろん、市場なので仕入れに業者さんもきてるって感じでしたが。

やっぱ、鶴橋は韓国の方々がたくさん住んでいるので やっぱ近辺は焼肉屋さんが多い。その頃は多分 キムチも牛肉系も豚足とかも たくさんあって 焼き肉用の食材もたくさんあったんじゃないかと思うが。


それが、何年か経って 様相が結構変わった。街がきれいになった。JRの駅があって 駅から市場に続く通りが 国際市場とかといって 服飾品や”ちじみ”屋さんとか 焼肉屋さんがあったが、これが 少し前の韓国ブームで綺麗になって 桃谷にもあるみたいだが コリアンタウンっていう感じで 韓国品はもちろん 服飾やファッション系 それにK-POP系の商品が多くなり 要するに韓国の芸能人の写真やグッズを売るお店とか、あとは”ちじみ屋さん”とか小売のキムチ屋さんなんかがわんさかとある。出店してる。

昔の食品市場は綺麗になって 昔のままの部分もあるが、それでも綺麗になった。

日曜日なんかは人がいっぱいって感じで すごくにぎやかになった。昔はそんなに人がいなかった。今は大にぎやかだ。

儲かってていいですが、これ幸いですが、でも このあたりは昔から”ぱちもん”っていって海外ブランドの市品が多く これがすべて偽物で 昔はそうでもなかったと思いますが 最近は 法も厳しくなって結構、警察もたまに入るそうで・・・、そういうことがなんとなく”鶴橋”っぽくっていい。人は多くなったが やっぱ、鶴橋っぽさものこっていて なかなかの場所です。

また、昔いってた喫茶店も 今はなく さびしい限りですが、相変わらず、鉄板で焼く 鉄板のうえで食べる”ちじみ”が最高においしい。いい感じの街です。

The recent “Tsuruhashi Shopping Street” has become much cleaner.

I worked at a coffee shop in Tsuruhashi.

Many years ago, there was a place called Ikuno Ward in the city of Osaka, and there was a place called “Tsuruhashi” where many Koreans and Koreans living in Japan lived. At that time, the school was nearby, so I worked part-time in front of Tsuruhashi Station for a short period of time, but I think I was there for more than half a year.

The content was that of a bartender and waiter at a coffee shop. The food and drink part-time job includes meals, so he was paid an hourly wage at the time, and he also had a lot of free time, so it was pretty easy. So I was working part-time, but eventually it was decided that the store would have a poker game at the time, and the store was open all night.

The hourly wage was getting better, so he thought it was okay, so he worked at the store in the middle of the night. Early in the morning, he has a morning guest coming, so he starts preparing for it. At that time, his morning menu was coffee, toast, and boiled eggs, and he was surprisingly cheap at 150 yen. So from the morning it will be full of customers.

Even if I said that, there were at least 20 people, and it felt like that, but I was really busy because people came to the store in about 30 minutes.

Tsuruhashi’s kimchi was delicious.

For the time being, I went to the “Tsuruhashi public market” across the street to buy eggs for breakfast. At that time, the Tsuruhashi market was full of kimchi in pots, and he had a different taste for spiciness because it was made in Korea.

For some reason, the kimchi made in Japan at that time was hot from the moment he put it in his mouth. However, Tsuruhashi’s kimchi is delicious when you put it in your mouth, and the spiciness comes after a while. It also has a deep spiciness and he likes it.

There were many such kimchi in the market. The appearance of the market was also old-fashioned and dark, and it didn’t look beautiful. Of course, it was a market, so it felt like there were vendors coming to purchase.

After all, many Koreans live in Tsuruhashi, so he has a lot of yakiniku restaurants in the area. At that time, I think he probably had a lot of kimchi, beef, pork feet, and a lot of ingredients for yakiniku.

Tsuruhashi has become lively and beautiful.

A few years later, however, things have changed quite a bit. The city has become clean. There is a JR station, and the street that leads from the station to the market is called the international market, and there were clothing stores, “chijimi” (chijimi) shops, and yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurants. There seems to be a Korean town, but there are many Korean products, clothing, fashion, and K-pop products. There are a lot of retail kimchi shops. I’m opening a store.

The old food market has become beautiful, and some parts have remained the same, but it has become beautiful nonetheless.

It felt like there were a lot of people on Sundays, and it got really lively. There weren’t that many people back then. It is very lively now.

It’s good to make money, but I’m happy about this, but since long ago there’s been a lot of overseas branded products called “Pachimon” around here, and they’re all fakes, and I don’t think that was the case in the past, but recently the laws have become stricter. It’s quite possible that the police will come in from time to time. The number of people has increased, but he still has a Tsuruhashi feel, and he is a good place.

Also, the coffee shop I used to go to is no longer there, but as always, the “chijimi” that you eat on the iron plate is the most delicious. It’s a nice town.


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