

いいよね、この感じ 門司港の風景です。この門司港の突き出てるホテルに泊まって界隈を散歩する。



で、有名な建物もたくさんあります、どれもこれも 西洋風の建造物で いかにも国指定の有形文化財って感じです。


大体、門司には新幹線で小倉まで行って、在来線で門司港まで行く・・・、 門司港の駅は、結構レトロチックの駅で 建物が古い感じがある。

っていうか ”豪華”って感じがする 。


下関には船で行ったら巌流島なんかもんかも、宮本武蔵と小次郎が決闘した場所もある、これがまた小さな島で 船着場がある、ここで釣りできそうな綺麗な海で・・・、

船に乗ってもすぐに着く、非常に近いところがある。そんなこんなで、この辺りは本当にいい街です。 旅するにはもってこいの場所じゃないですか・・・。

The scenery of Mojiko and the grilled curry, a specialty of Mojiko, are so delicious that you should definitely eat them.

The scenery of Moji Port is nice.

It’s nice, isn’t it? This is the scenery of Mojiko. Stay at this hotel that sticks out of Mojiko and take a walk around the area.

There are various shops, and of course there are souvenir shops, but… Moji’s specialty curry? There is also grilled curry.

It’s so delicious. You can also go to Shimonoseki across from this port by boat. I think it was a place where you could go back and forth through a tunnel, but…

So, there are many famous buildings.

The Mojiko area is full of highlights

In general, to Moji, take the Shinkansen to Kokura, then take a conventional train to Mojiko… Mojiko station is a retro-chic station with an old building.

Or rather, it feels “luxury”.

So, it’s the best place to look at the buildings and eat something while wandering around this town. It feels like Kiheitai played an active role… There is a scene that seems to bring back the envy of Shinsaku Takasugi. Since it’s Shimonoseki, pufferfish is delicious and cheap…

If you go to Shimonoseki by boat, you’ll find Ganryu Island, the place where Miyamoto Musashi and Kojiro fought a duel.

There is a very close place that you can reach immediately even if you get on a ship. That being said, this area is a really nice town. It’s the perfect place to travel, isn’t it?


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