

”孫文”っていう中国人がいるが、孫文っていう人のイメージは、中国王朝に対する革命家ってイメージがありますが、毛沢東や蒋介石のまえの ”革命家” それまでの中国は王朝国家で それこそ西太后が末期は中国政権をにぎってて 王様はいても実質はお母さんが政権を握っていた。ところがヨーロッパやアメリカの植民地政策で ヨーロッパが攻めてきたとき その技術力の差に圧倒されて、戦争に負けいていくことになる。日清戦争では日本にも負けてしまって 香港はイギリスだしって感じで 大昔は中国も黄河文明で他国よりも先進していたかもしれないが 近代 その差が激しく 各国に侵略されていく。

■なぜか こんなタイヤのモニュメントが・・・。




そんな中 中国に革命家が出てきて、まっ 日本の明治維新的な そんなときに”孫文”のような革命家が出てきて 資本主義的に傾き各国の先進国の技術を取り入れ 中国も近代国家にしようといった革命家が現れた。彼は日本人と親交を持ち 日本人の財力や知識を活用して中国を強固な国にしようと思った。この辺の孫文がイメージとしてはあるのですが。その頃は中国も日本と仲が良かった。良い言い方をすれば、日本は侵略ではなく、他国も本国と同様に近代化し共存を目指してたイメージがある。そんな歴史の中の”孫文”の存在は、中国人としては、開かれた人物である。そんな歴史的な人物の記念館が神戸にもある。その他、いろんなところに孫文ゆかりの地はある。





この孫文がもう少し生きてたなら もう少し日本との交友関係も保てたのだろうが。それは悔やまれる。孫文・蒋介石・毛沢東っていう思想の流れ、それぞれの革命家の思想、中国共産党・国民党の違いとか 中国も思想の違いがたくさんあって そりゃ、あれだけの人口だけに やっぱ、意見も分かれますわ そりゃそうやんって感じですが・・・。最終的にはやっぱ 孫文の奥さんが蒋介石をみはなして っていうか そんな感じで蒋介石は台湾・毛沢東は中国国民党って感じになったんじゃないですか。孫文は中国の資本的な近代化に貢献している。銀行を作るにも日本人の資本に協力を得てるし、中国の近代化に関しては、結構仲が良かった。ほしいですね、日本と中国。本当ほしい、もう少し仲良くなれたのにって感じではありますが・・・。孫文どうでしょう?



I went to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Museum in Kobe. Sun Yat-sen’s memorial hall is located in this location overlooking the Great Seto Bridge.

An image of Sun Yat-sen

There is a Chinese named “Sun Yat-sen”, but the image of Sun Yat-sen is that he is a revolutionary against the Chinese dynasty, but before Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek, China was a dynasty state. At the end of her life, the Empress Dowager Cixi dominated the Chinese government, and even though there was a king, her mother actually held power. However, when Europe and her European colonial policy attacked him, he was overwhelmed by the difference in technical ability and lost the war. It was defeated by Japan in the Sino-Japanese War, and Hong Kong was like Britain.In the olden days, China might have been more advanced than other countries with its Yellow River civilization, but in modern times, the difference between them is so great that they are being invaded by other countries.

Sun Yat-sen is a revolutionary

In the midst of this, revolutionaries emerged in China, and at that time, revolutionaries like Sun Yat-sen appeared, leaning toward capitalism and incorporating the technology of advanced countries, and China also became a modern nation. A revolutionary has appeared. He was on friendly terms with the Japanese and wanted to use the financial strength and knowledge of the Japanese to make China a stronger country. Sun Yat-sen around here is an image. At that time, China was on good terms with Japan. To put it in a good way, there is an image that Japan was not aggression, but that other countries were aiming for modernization and coexistence with their own country. The existence of “Sun Yat-sen” in such history is an open person for the Chinese. There is a memorial hall of such a historical figure in Kobe. In addition, there are places related to Sun Yat-sen in various places.

He has close ties with Japan.

If Sun Yat-sen had lived a little longer, he would have been able to maintain friendships with Japan a little longer. It’s regrettable. The ideological flow of Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek, and Mao Zedong, the ideology of each revolutionary, the difference between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang, and so on. I don’t get it. In the end, Sun Yat-sen’s wife dismissed Chiang Kai-shek, and he, or rather, he felt like that, so Chiang Kai-shek was Taiwan and Mao Zedong was the Chinese Kuomintang. Sun Yat-sen contributed to China’s capital modernization. He was able to get Japanese capital to help him build a bank, and he was on good terms with China’s modernization. I want Japan and China. I really want it. What about Sun Yat-sen?


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