

なってた。校舎が増えたのそうだが、敷地が一段と広くなり、八戸の里に行く道の即向こう側も 校舎敷地になって それを抜けていくと 付属高校につながっている。昔は付属は大学の農学部の横にあったような気がするが・・・。向かいも買い取って 大学横の田んぼも買い取って 広大な駐車場ですか?そんな感じです。でかいです。最近は近鉄の長瀬で降りて学生通りを通って大学に行くより 八戸の里から行ったほうがいいみたいで ”やえさと”から学校前までバスが出ていて これが非常に便利です。帰るときもバス停でたくさんの人が待ってました。しかし、人が多いです。





昔からある記念会館で卒業式は行われるみたいで この記念会館でっていうのは、昔も変わらない形式で 昔っから行事は記念会館で行うみたいで これが、また学校から遠い。付属高校の横にあるので付属からは近いが、長瀬から歩くと大変な距離やん・・・。やっぱ”やえさと”から行ったほうが この記念会館は近い。でも、長瀬から行くと 途中でいろんなこの学校の風景が見える。各校舎や学食や 中庭の桜や 途中の運動場?運動場というか競技場って感じですが、綺麗に整備されてる。綺麗です。素晴らしいです。これらを見ながら記念会館まで歩いていく。当日は天気も良くって ボーと歩くもいい感じで 良い気晴らしになる。当日は卒業式で卒業式行事も行われていて 呼び込みもありーのって感じで 近畿大学卒業式バージョンって感じです。




卒業式もすごく長くやってたみたいで 午前中いっぱいやってたみたいでした。式中の出入りも多く 学生や関係者、学生も立派なスーツ姿で、親御さん連中もたくさんの人々が来てましたが、その出入りがすごい。もう自由です、自由。一応スタッフがこちらです、みたいな言い方で 誘導はしてくれますので 初めてでも わかりやすく客席にいける、席はすでに満員で みんなほぼ、立ち見状態です。卒業生代表の一言があり、在校生の祝辞や主賓の祝辞、援団のフレーフレーみたいなのがあり 校歌を歌い 各セレモニーを加えて式は進んでいきます。楽しいのか、面白いのか 笑えるのかって感じで こういった式? 卒業式や入学式的なものって楽しくって良いですね。見ごたえがあるっていうか 盛り上がります。みてるほうもなごみます。そんな感じで。




また今回の卒業式の芸能人の方の出演は”キングコング”の”西野さん” 最近は絵本かなんかで作家としても有名になってる”西野亮廣”さんです。毎回の たとえば過去の”ホリエモン”とかに比べると ちょっと落ちる? 反響も少なく、舞台に出た瞬間の反応が悪く出直しをしたという そんな感じの登場でしたが。かいつまんで言うと ”今やこの現在に一石を投じるばかりの 天才、秀才、偉才”って感じで まさに時代を変えるに不可欠な天才、この人ありき!的な ビジュアル画像による デモ映像が流れて 誰もが ”いったい誰”って期待が膨らむ、それで 登場した瞬間の”なんじゃそりゃ感”あまりにもひどく 西野本人が登場してから最初に そのクレームの話で すごい期待感のなかで 拍手も驚きも少なすぎってことで 本人は大変不満で 芸人としてはこの状態を笑いに パフォーマンスにつなげないとといった 一種”チャンスです。”すかさず やりやがりました。笑いに変えてみました。さすがプロです。でも、さすがって感じです。人的には5000人ぐらいの人が見てる中で 結構の大会場だし そんな中で堂々とパフォーマンスをやってのける、場数が違います。そんで彼の本題は、”失敗しても挑戦してほしい。”みたいな内容だったと思いますが、卒業生たちはまだ若く 時間はまだまだじゅうぶんある、みたいな話だったと思いますが・・・。そんな近畿大学の風景でした。


I went to the graduation ceremony of my alma mater “Kinki University” in Higashi-Osaka via Yaenosato.

Kindai University after a long time

Kinki University is located in Higashiosaka. It’s my alma mater, but I had the opportunity after a long absence, so I went. And recently, unlike at that time, amazing things
It was. It seems that the number of school buildings has increased, but the grounds have become even wider, and the road to Hachinohe Village is now on the other side of the school building grounds. In the past, I feel that the attached school was next to the agricultural department of the university. Buy the opposite side, buy the rice field next to the university, too, a huge parking lot? That’s how it is. It’s huge. Recently, rather than getting off at Kintetsu Nagase and going through student street to the university, it seems better to go from Hachinohe no Sato, and there is a bus from “Yaesato” to the front of the school, which is very convenient. Many people were waiting at the bus stop when I left. But there are many people.

Today is the graduation ceremony.

It seems that the graduation ceremony will be held at the memorial hall that has been around for a long time.This memorial hall is the same format as the old days.It seems that the event has been held at the memorial hall since long ago. It’s next to the affiliated high school, so it’s close to the affiliated school, but it’s a long walk from Nagase… After all, it’s better to go from “Yaesato” because he’s closer to this memorial hall. But if you go from Nagase, you can see various scenery of this school along the way. Each school building, the cafeteria, the cherry blossoms in the courtyard, the playground on the way? It feels like a sports field or a stadium, but it is beautifully maintained. Is beautiful. That’s excellent. While looking at these, I walked to the memorial hall. The weather was nice that day and he was walking around with a bouncing feeling, which was a nice distraction. Graduation ceremony events were also held on the day of the event, and there was an invitation to attend, so it felt like a version of the Kinki University graduation ceremony.

Admission to the memorial hall is free.

The graduation ceremony seemed to have lasted a very long time, and seemed to last all morning. There were a lot of people coming and going during the ceremony, and the students, staff, and students were all dressed in fine suits, and there were many parents who came and went, and the comings and goings were amazing. I’m free, I’m free For the time being, the staff will guide you by saying something like, “This is the way.” There is a word from the representative of the graduates, a congratulatory address from the current students, a congratulatory address from the guest of honor, and a cheerleader’s hula hula, and the school song is sung. Is it fun, is it funny, or is he laughable? “Graduation ceremonies and entrance ceremonies are fun, aren’t they?” It’s worth seeing, or rather, it’s exciting. It’s soothing to watch. Like that.

The entertainer performer this time is “Akihiro Nishino”.

Also, this year’s graduation ceremony will feature ‘Nishino-san’ from ‘King Kong’, and ‘Akihiro Nishino’ who has recently become famous as an author for his picture books. Does he fall a little when compared to, say, “Horiemon” in the past each time? He didn’t get much response, and the moment he appeared on stage, the reaction was bad, so he had to make a fresh start. In a nutshell, he is a genius, genius, and genius who is just throwing a stone at the present. A demonstration video using a typical visual image was played, and everyone’s expectations grew as to, “Who on earth?” So, in the midst of a great sense of anticipation, there was too little applause and too little surprise, and he was very dissatisfied. I changed it into laughter. As expected of a professional. But it feels like it’s expected. In terms of people, it’s quite a big venue with about 5,000 people watching, and he’s able to perform confidently in such a situation, the number of venues is different. I think his main theme was something like “I want you to try even if you fail.” Such was the scenery of Kinki University.


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