

長崎の市内から どうでしょう 20分ぐらい車ではしったところに 神ノ島って所があって その子ある教会に行ってみた。長崎はやっぱ、ロケーションが素晴らしい。前の海がやたらに綺麗で 釣をしてる人がいたりして 風景も素晴らしい。当日が結構気候がよく 温度も高かったので泳ぎたいぐらいの 綺麗な海 まさに町の財産です。そんな中の 少し小さな山肌に 真っ白な教会が建っていて これが”神ノ島教会”です。見た目もすばらしい。少し階段が急だったので 上までいかなかったが この景色を眺めてるだけで 良い気分になれる、いいね。




この教会の特徴て言うか 所以は、海が埋め立てられて地続きになるまでは ほんとに 名前のごとくここは”島”で この島にも隠れキリシタンが多いことを この村の隠れキリシタンの帳みたいな人が 大浦に行って 島に信者が多いことを告げ、建てられた教会で 当時は島全体の住民が隠れキリシタンだったそうだ。教会建築は明治14年だそうだ。



I went to “Catholic Kaminoshima Church”! ! It feels like a sea town that is directly opposite the city of Nagasaki.

It is located a little far from the city.

About 20 minutes by car from the city of Nagasaki, there is a place called Kaminoshima, and I went to a church there. Nagasaki has a great location. The sea in front is incredibly beautiful, and there are people fishing, and the scenery is wonderful. The weather was quite nice that day, and the temperature was high, so the sea was so beautiful that I wanted to swim. In the midst of this, a pure white church stands on a slightly smaller mountainside, and this is the “Kaminoshima Church”. It looks great too. The stairs were a little steep, so I didn’t go up, but he can feel good just by looking at this view, which is nice.

Catholic Kaminoshima Church

The characteristic of this church is that until the sea was reclaimed and connected to the land, this place was really an “island” as the name suggests, and there are many hidden Christians on this island, like the hidden Christians of this village. A person went to Oura and told them that there were many believers on the island, and the church was built. The church was built in the 14th year of Meiji.


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