

北九州の門司っていう場所が好きでよく行きますが・・・、よくってうか 3回ぐらいしか行ったことありませんが、取りあえず歴史的建造物がおおいので 門司って街全体がレトロって感じです。

特に、門司港っていうJRの駅あたりです。そこから舟に乗って対岸にある、下関には ずぐにいける感じで また、この下関って町もすごくいい町です。

同じく歴史的建造物が多く残ってます。で、いつも唐戸市場かなんかで お茶してますが・・・。今回はその界隈にある この”旧秋田商会”です。



唐戸市場から道路沿いにでると 結構大きい道路の交差点見たくなっていて その道路に沿って目立つ形で このビルが建ってる。見るからにレトロビルなので すぐにわかる。

これも大正時代に建てられた近代建築で もちろん、登録文化財にもなっている。



秋田商会は、簡単にいえば総合商社で 日清・日露戦争期に 食料や木材の運搬で莫大な資産を築いた会社で アジア圏、台湾た朝鮮、満州等にも支店をもってた 結構、大きな会社だったそうです。




だけど、いつの時代も貿易って儲かる商売です。国家間格差っていうのか それを利用しない手はないって感じで 資力があればやってみたいものです。

多分 今の中国でも 中国で50円で作って 日本で500円で売ることは可能なんでしょう。

原価の10倍ですから そりゃ儲かります。そんでこれだけ立派なビルをたったというか・・・。大正時代なんかは 日本国内での人件費もやすく 貧富格差は相当なものがあってでしょうから これぐらいのビルが建つのはあたりまえかな~。




建造費も比較的に 今の時代よりは安かったのではないかとは思います。今の建造物って 技術的には進化しててもデザインが簡素・・・、でも、昔の 特に明治・大正・昭和初期の近代建築っていうのは デザインがゴージャスっていうか 見た目にわかるくらいの 当時の、西洋感があります。

なので 目立つ! その一言に尽きます。


そして やっぱこの時代は”舟”です。いまの原爆と同じぐらいの 国家間の抑止力がある、まさに”力”の象徴です。それに追随して 廻船とか船での諸外国間との貿易です。


これも 結構な資力がなければできないことなので 良家に生まれた資産持ちにしかできない商売です。

もしくは、岩崎弥太郎のように 頭がよくって藩や国の役人になって 藩や国を利用できる人間にしかできないことです。この辺っていうか この九州界隈、特にここは長州界隈ですから 弥太郎みたいなチャンスもあったでしょう。秋田商会の創業者はわかりませんが・・・。


今の日本の政治も 長州・薩摩は強いですから この辺の歴史は まさに日本の近代史をものがってる地域です。


Shimonoseki’s “Former Akita Shokai”, Kanmon nostalgic? The area around Kanmon Port is wonderful.

Mojiko Station Kaiwai is wonderful.

I like a place called Moji in Kitakyushu, so I go there often… well, I’ve only been there about three times, but for the time being, it’s surrounded by historical buildings, so the whole town of Moji has a retro feel to it. .

Especially around the JR station called Mojiko. From there, you can take a boat to Shimonoseki, which is on the other side of the river.

Many historical buildings remain as well. So, he always has tea at Karato Market or something… This time, it’s the “Former Akita Shokai” located in that neighborhood.

When you go out from Karato Market along the road, you’ll want to see a fairly large road intersection, and this building will stand out along the road. As you can see, it’s a retro building, so you’ll know right away.

This is also a modern building built in the Taisho era, and of course he is also a registered cultural property.

The tour inside is quite free, and many historical materials of this Akita Shokai are on display.

Akita Shokai is a general trading company.

Akita Shokai, in simple terms, was a general trading company that built up enormous assets in transporting food and lumber during the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars, and had branches in Asia, Taiwan, Korea, and Manchuria. It was a company.

However, trade is always a profitable business. He feels that he has no choice but to take advantage of the disparity between countries, and if he has the means, he would like to try it.

Perhaps even in China today, it would be possible to make a product in China for 50 yen and sell it in Japan for 500 yen.

Ten times the cost, so he makes a profit. That’s how I ended up building such a splendid building… In the Taisho period, labor costs were low in Japan and there was a considerable gap between the rich and the poor, so it was only natural for him to build a building of this size.

I think that the construction cost was relatively cheaper than it is now. Today’s buildings are technically advanced, but their designs are simple… but in the old days, especially in the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa eras, his designs were gorgeous. There is a Western feeling at that time as much as you can understand.

So stand out! “That’s all I have to say.”

In the past, ships (warships) were a threat.

And, after all, this era is a “boat”. It is a symbol of “power” that has deterrence between nations as much as the current atomic bomb. This is followed by trade with foreign countries on ships and ships.

This is also a business that can only be done by wealthy people born into good families, as it is something that cannot be done without considerable means.

Or, like Yataro Iwasaki, who is smart enough to become a clan or country official and use the clan or country, it is something that only a person can do. In this area, or rather, he is in the Kyushu area, especially in the Choshu area, so there must have been a chance like Yataro. I don’t know the founder of Akita Shokai, but…

Choshu and Satsuma are strong in Japanese politics today, so the history of this area is truly a region steeped in modern Japanese history.

So it’s attractive. This is the area around Akita Shokai.


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