

  1. ”北海道開拓の村”道の真ん中を線路が通ってる。
  2. 実は馬車が走ってます。
  3. 職種別の建物が立ち並んでます。


8月の下旬に札幌にある”北海道開拓の村”にいってみた。名前の通り 野外博物館です。
建物がいくつある念って感じで立ち並んでます。道の真ん中には線路があって 電車が走るような感じにはなってますが、本当はお馬さんが走ってます。お馬さんが馬車をひっぱって駅から駅は観光客を乗せて走ってくれます。


こなれした感じで 女子の車掌さんと馬を走らせる男の方が 行ったり来たりで、いくらか忘れましたが、結構、リーズナブルな値段で乗せて走ってくれます。


この通りの建物が またいっぱい建ちならんでて 歩いて一軒一軒見ていきます。散髪屋さんや新聞社、郵便に廻船問屋みたいなところ、また、駅の待合室とか、開拓当時の北海道 たぶん札幌なんでしょうけど 建物がずらーっとって感じです。町以外にも 農家や林業やとそんなところまで再現されてます。
当日は平日で非常にすいていましたし、天気も良く 色鮮やかに建物が非常にきれいに見えます。

AM9:00~PM5:00 一般800円


札幌停車場 出入り口です。










■旅館 待合所

I went to “Hokkaido Pioneering Village”. There are plenty of places to see here as well.

“Hokkaido Pioneering Village” The railroad runs through the middle of the road.

In late August, I went to the “Hokkaido Pioneering Village” in Sapporo. As the name suggests, it is an open-air museum.
I feel like there are many buildings standing side by side. There is a railroad track in the middle of the road, and it looks like a train is running, but it is actually a horse running. A horse pulls a carriage and runs from station to station with tourists.

The carriage is actually running.

The female conductor and the man who runs the horse go back and forth, and I forget how much, but they ride for a reasonable price.

Buildings are lined up by occupation.

There are many more buildings on this street, so I’ll walk around and look at them one by one. A barber shop, a newspaper company, a post office, a shipping wholesaler, and a station waiting room. In addition to the town, farms and forestry have been recreated.
It was a weekday, so it was pretty empty, and the weather was nice.

■Hokkaido Pioneering Village
Address: 50-1 Onoporo, Atsubetsu-cho, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Phone: 011-898-2692
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM General 800 yen
Hokkaido Kaitaku no Mura is an open-air museum that relocates and restores buildings built in various parts of Hokkaido from the Meiji era to the early Showa era on a site of 54.2 ha.
Opened in April 1983. Divided into urban areas, rural areas, fishing villages, and mountain villages, you can see the wisdom and efforts of those who pioneered Hokkaido.


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