

長崎市の山手の素敵な宿に泊まりました。大浴場、露天風呂、長崎名物”しっぽく料理” 温泉宿堪能です。いいかんじでしたこの宿が・・・。宿から見える湾内の風景に ドでかい船が いわゆる豪華客船です。そのでかさが半端なくって みてみこれって感じです。宿の人に聞くとこの日、割と有名な豪華客船が停泊してたそうで いいじゃないですかこの景色! でもほんとでかい、湾の大きさに比べると大きさが半端ない、ホテルが船に乗ってるって感じです。こんなホテルが乗ってるみたいな船は 今までに見たことがないですが、ん! 初めてだとおもいます。今まで見た大きな船って”サンフラワー”ぐらいかな それが目いっぱいって感じです。





”しっぽく料理”も美味しそうです。この料理の特徴は和、中華、オランダ料理 西洋料理 この3種の料理の混合で、中華テーブルで食べるのが主流だそうで なおかつ、この長崎で流行りましたってことで 長崎では有名な料理です。別名”和華蘭料理”ともいうそうです。確かに和洋折衷 そこに中華料理が入ってるって感じではありますが、今回の料理はどうでしょう。みるからに 確かに、言われてみれば 3種盛って感じではありました。なんか居酒屋の 一品料理の盛りって感じではありますが、さすがに宿で食べる料理なので 味はおいしかった。この宿自体が すごくいい宿って感じですから そりゃ料理もおいしいに決まってる、夜景もいいし最高です。




夜景もほんとにきれい、世界的にみとめられた”長崎の夜景”ってことで みる場所によって違うみたいで 長崎には名所がたくさんあって その場所場所によって 夜景のうつりが違うみたいで たしかに見ごたえがあると思います。考えれば名所の観光時間も終わってるので そんなに簡単にはみれないと思いますが、グラバー邸からの夜景とかも見てみたいもんだ。そういや、”ちんでん”の駅から山伝いにエレベーターみたいなものがあって グラバー邸のウラ側なのか 行けるところがあって このエレベーターがただで市民に開放されてるみたいで すごく便利で それで行くとすぐに上に上がれて、昼間言ったんだけど 上のほうに休憩所?公園?見晴らし台的なものがあって 底から見る夜景もきっと綺麗編んだろうなと思いながら・・・。でも。この長崎独特の山手にたくさんの家がある街並み それらが夜になると明かりがついて その独特の風景 夜景はこの長崎にしかない、貴重なものではある、確かにすばらしい夜景です。



The scenery of Nagasaki from the inn is beautiful. Large communal bath, open-air bath, Nagasaki specialty “shippoku cuisine”.

Yamate inn in Nagasaki is wonderful.

We stayed at a nice inn in Yamate, Nagasaki. Large public baths, open-air baths, and Nagasaki’s specialty shippoku cuisine. This inn was nice… She is a so-called luxury liner with her huge ship in the scenery of the bay that can be seen from the inn. It’s so big that she can’t help but look at it. When I asked the person at the inn, she said that a relatively famous luxury liner was docked that day. But it’s really big, and compared to the size of the bay, it’s not that big, and it feels like the hotel is on a boat. I’ve never seen a ship like this with a hotel on it, huh! “I think it’s the first time.” The only big ship I’ve seen so far is “Sunflower”.

The food was delicious.

“Shippoku cuisine” also looks delicious. This dish is characterized by a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, Dutch and Western dishes, and it is said that it is mainly eaten at Chinese tables. . It is also known as “Wakaran cuisine”. It’s true that it’s a mixture of Japanese and Western styles, and it’s got the feeling that Chinese food is in there, but how about the food this time? As you can see, he certainly had three kinds of feelings. It felt like an a la carte dish at an izakaya, but it was delicious because it was the kind of food you would eat at an inn. This inn itself feels like a really good lodging for him, so he’s sure to have delicious food, and the night view is great.

The night view of Nagasaki, which is world-famous

The night view is also really beautiful, and it’s known worldwide as “Nagasaki’s night view”.It seems that it differs depending on where you look.There are many famous places in Nagasaki.It seems that the night view changes depending on the place. think. If you think about it, sightseeing time for famous places is over, so I don’t think it’s that easy to see, but I’d also like to see the night view from Glover’s residence. Come to think of it, there’s something like an elevator going up the mountain from the “Chinden” station, perhaps on the back side of Glover’s mansion, and there’s a place you can go to, and this elevator seems to be open to the public for free. I said during the daytime, but is there a rest area upstairs? park? There’s something like an observatory, and I’m sure the night view seen from the bottom must be beautifully woven… but. Nagasaki’s unique townscape with many houses on the hillside, which are lit up at night, is a unique landscape, and the night view is a rare sight that can only be found in Nagasaki, and is certainly a wonderful night view.


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