

次は”平戸ザビエル記念教会”にいってみた。っていうか”平戸”にいくって結構遠いです。福岡から平戸に行くのと 長崎市内から平戸に行くのと 同じぐらいの距離なのかな~って思うくらいの距離です。長崎から高速で 福岡方面に走って 途中から佐世保方面、平戸大橋を渡って平戸に入る。これが結構、広い島で景色が最高に良いです。平戸大橋は赤橋で なんかもう一つって感じはあるが、平戸から生月島にいくときに渡る橋がブルーで 天気のいい日の青空に映えて すごくきれいな橋です。 この生月島にもいくつかの隠れキリシタンの協会があって ここも見に行きましたが・・・。ほんとう こんな田舎にこんな洋風な教会があるって ほんと面白い地方ではあります。海もすごくきれいで なんでも釣れそうで 釣り好きにとっては最高に良い所です。


平戸大橋をわたってすぐに この”平戸ザビエル記念教会”があります。この教会は昭和6年に建てられて 昭和46年にザビエル像がこの教会の脇に建てられたことから ザビエル記念教会を言われてるそうだ。

■門には やっぱ名称が・・・。



時代のせいか、キリストはそういや~”ヤソ”とかいわれて 徳川時代はキリストは禁止されていた。その昔の信長の時代にはキリストは認められていたみたいだが、豊臣とか徳川の時代は、禁止だったと思う。少し前のnhkの”龍馬伝”とかを見ていると ヤソは人間を食うとか言って恐れられていたというか なんか言われ方がひどい さすがに村社会の日本特有の文化だと思うが なにぶんにも”士農工商”のような ひどい差別社会だったために そんな村社会的なものが出来たんだろうが 人々にも教育はなく キリストの考え方を理解しようにも そのすべがなく、信長は社会を変えようとする革命家だったので やっぱそういう差別社会をなくそうと真剣に考えたから キリストを受け入れていたんだと思うが その分信長は頭のいい紳士だったのだと思う。その頃の人間はやっぱ 動物に近いぐらいの品位で いきるのにも大変な時期だったんだろうが。



キリストはやはり 高文化の国から来た考え方なので 日本は発展途上で理解しにくいし また、人間みな平等という考え方は 反乱を起こしかねない考え方で 不平等社会にとっては非常に魅力的な考え方で こんなのが広まると そこに少し頭のいい人間が入ると国はひっくり返ってしまう、それは鎖国状態のこの国には恐ろしい文化だったんだろう。わかりますが、やがて日本は遅れてるということが分かり 考えを改め海外文化をいち早くと入りれようとした、その辺は大変賢明な国ではあると思うが・・・。



しかし、この建物も晴れてる日には 見栄えの素晴らしい教会ではあるが、ヨーロッパの教会には雲泥の差があるので 言い方は悪いが 少し簡単すぎてほしいって所もありますが、イタリアの協会とか フランスのものはすごいですから・・・・。

I went to “Hirado Xavier Memorial Church”. There is such a Western-style church in such a rural area.

Hirado is a beautiful island.

Next, I went to “Hirado Xavier Memorial Church”. I mean, it’s quite far to go to “Hirado”. It’s about the same distance as going to Hirado from Fukuoka and going to Hirado from Nagasaki city. From Nagasaki, take the high speed towards Fukuoka, then towards Sasebo, cross the Hirado Bridge and enter Hirado. This is a fairly large island with great views. Hirado Ohashi is a red bridge and I feel like he is something else, but the bridge that he crosses when going from Hirado to Ikitsuki Island is blue, and he is a very beautiful bridge that shines in the blue sky on a sunny day. There are several hidden Christian associations on Ikitsuki Island, and he went to see them as well. It’s really interesting for him to have such a Western-style church in such a rural area. The sea is also very beautiful and he seems to be able to catch anything, so it is the best place for fishing lovers.

Xavier Memorial Church

Immediately after crossing the Hirado Bridge, there is this “Hirado Xavier Memorial Church”. Since this church was built in 1931 and a statue of Xavier was built beside this church in 1971, he is said to be the Xavier Memorial Church.

christianity thwarted by the times

Perhaps because of the times, Christ was called “Yaso”, and Christ was prohibited during the Tokugawa era. It seems that Christ was accepted in the old times of Nobunaga, but I think it was prohibited in the times of Toyotomi and Tokugawa. When I watched NHK’s “Ryomaden” a little while ago, Yaso was said to eat humans and was feared, or rather, the way it was said was terrible.I think it’s a culture unique to Japan in a village society, but what is it? It must have been because it was a terribly discriminatory society like “students, farmers, commerce, and commerce,” but there was no education for the people, and there was no way to understand Christ’s way of thinking, and Nobunaga wanted to change society. Because he was a revolutionary, I think he accepted Christ because he thought seriously about eliminating such a discriminatory society, but I think that’s why Nobunaga was a smart gentleman. It must have been a difficult time for him to survive because humans at that time had a dignity close to that of animals.

high culture religion

Christ is a way of thinking that came from a highly cultured country, so Japan is still developing and difficult to understand.In addition, the idea that all people are equal is a way of thinking that could lead to rebellion, and it is a very attractive way of thinking for an unequal society. If a person with a little bit of intelligence entered there, the country would be turned upside down. I understand, but eventually I realized that Japan was behind, and I changed my mind and tried to enter overseas culture as soon as possible.

A building that loses to the real thing

However, although this building is also a wonderful church that looks great on a sunny day, there is a huge difference in churches in Europe, so I hate to say it, but there are places where I would like it to be a little too simple, such as the Italian association and the French one. Because it’s amazing…


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