よくいった小豆島、オリーブオイルが超有名です。大阪からジェットフェリーで 1時間ぐらい。


  1. 小豆島はジェットフェリーですぐです。
  2. 小豆島ヴィラってところがいい。
  3. 小豆島はわりと観光スポットが多い。
  4. 小豆島、小豆島名所


よくいきました 小豆島、夏になると必ず行きたくなってくる。大阪からジェットフェリーで 1時間ぐらいだったと思うが、北港からですが・・・。神戸あたりから車を乗せていったこともある。小豆島につくと草木が深く 田舎で夏休みって感じになる。島内を車で走ると 山あり町あり 勿論海もある。考えてみれば、香川県なんですね。大阪からだと近いですので、香川県って言われてもあまりピンときません。香川県ならうどんが主流なのに うどん屋さんもあまりない。メインは岡山県のオリーブって感じです。




普通の民宿に泊まったり 、小豆島ヴィラって 一軒家ログハウス見たくなってて家族6人ぐらいで とまったこともある。でもここはよかったね。窓の網戸に クワガタやカブトムシが明りに寄せられて引っ付く。あっという間に捕獲できる、田舎ならではのロケーションです。あと、海の真ん中なのに山の上の山の中に位置していて、山から眺める海の風景も結構いい感じで、また、森林浴もばっちりでリフレッシュには最適です。

■名所はたくさん たとえば「寒霞渓」

■名所はたくさん たとえば孔雀園


小豆島といえば、オリーブ園、超人気だ。食パンにオリーブオイルつけて試食、坂道が少ししんどいけどね。孔雀園と合わせて、昔から超人気スポット、絶対に行くね。で、結構村ではなく 都会でもあるのでわりと不自由ではないところもある。確かに各園っていうか有名な観光名所的なところは、山にあるので その時は、田舎道を走るために「田舎」って感じではありますが。あと、見ごたえがあるのは”二十四の瞳”で有名な映画村かな。ここも見ごたえあります。




■小豆島 名所

Shodoshima, which I often visited, is very famous for olive oil. About an hour from Osaka by jet ferry.

Shodoshima is just a short jet ferry ride away.

I’ve been there a lot.I always want to go to Shodoshima in the summer. I think it took him about an hour by jet ferry from Osaka, but from North Port… I once drove a car from around Kobe. When you arrive at Shodoshima, the vegetation is deep and it feels like summer vacation in the countryside. If you drive around the island, you’ll find towns with mountains and, of course, the sea. If you think about it, it’s Kagawa prefecture. It’s close to Osaka, so even if you say it’s Kagawa prefecture, it doesn’t really come to mind. Udon is the mainstream in Kagawa Prefecture, but he doesn’t have many udon restaurants. The main dish is olives from Okayama Prefecture.

Shodoshima Villa is a good place.

I stayed at a regular guest house, and I wanted to see a single log house called Shodoshima Villa, so my family of six stayed there. But it was nice here. Her stag beetles and beetles are attracted to the light and stick to the screen door of the window. It is a unique location in the countryside where you can catch it in no time. Also, even though it is in the middle of the sea, it is located in the mountains on top of the mountain, so the view of the sea from the mountain is quite nice, and the forest bathing is perfect for refreshing.

Shodoshima has many tourist spots.

Speaking of Shodoshima, the olive garden is super popular. The bread is dipped in olive oil and tasted. Together with the peacock garden, it is a very popular spot from the old days, I will definitely go. And since it’s not quite a village, it’s also a city, so there are places where it’s not inconvenient. It’s true that each kindergarten, or rather a famous tourist spot, is located in the mountains, so at that time it felt like a “countryside” because I was driving on country roads. Also, I think Eigamura, which is famous for “Twenty-Four Eyes”, is worth seeing. This place is also worth seeing.

Shodoshima, Shodoshima attractions

■ Shodoshima
Shodoshima is an island in the Harimanada Sea of the Seto Inland Sea. The administrative division belongs to Shozu County, Kagawa Prefecture, and consists of two towns, Shodoshima Town and Tonosho Town, with a population of 28,764 (2016 estimate). In recent years, the population has been steadily declining, and on June 24, 2013, together with the neighboring Okinoshima, it was designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as part of the Remote Island Development Act. By utilizing the Remote Island Development Act, we aim to keep the rate of population decline to within 10% over the next 10 years.

■ Shodoshima famous places
Twenty-Four Eyes Movie Village
Kankakei Gorge
Peacock garden
olive garden
Branch classroom of Misaki
group of peace
Choshi Valley


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