
金沢 橋場町あたりは結構人気です。

金沢といえば、この「橋場町」のあたりが結構人気で、人がたくさん集まるところです。観光地街の「ひがし」「にし」「主計町」のそれぞれの茶屋街があります。昔の男子の遊び場なんでしょうけど 京都で言うお茶屋さんの通りですか そんな感じの街並みです。当然、京都と一緒で芸子さんの置屋があったり、修練所があったりです。小さな日本家屋の家に看板が上がっています。その街並みがきれいに整備されて再現されています。いまは、どれもこれもおみやげ屋さんですが、レストランもあります。そのあたりの橋場町のバス停で降りて 近江町に向かって歩くと 交差点沿いに「金沢文芸館」とか「ギャラリー三田」があります。見るからにレトロなビルなので すぐにわかりますが、見事にいい感じで立っています。


金沢文芸館はもちろん 国登録の有形文化財に指定されていて、この地金沢が輩出した多くの文学者にちなんで 文芸活動の発信地として2005年に開設された。当日は五木寛之の看板がでてあって 2階に金沢五木文庫が常設されているらしい。



ギャラリー三田は、旧三田商店で1930年に建てられた鉄筋コンクリートの2階建て、スクラッチタイル張りの壁面や入口の装飾が非常にきれいな、金沢屈指の建築物でもちろん有形文化財指定建造物です。すこし夕暮れの明かりがついた状態もいい感じです。しかし、この夕暮れのような感じ、当日は雨・くもりとはいえ、金沢は2時ぐらいが夕方の5時ぐらいの感じに思える。全体的に少しくらい、昼間なのにもう夕方って感じです。その分、電気がつくのも早いのか ビルや建物に明かりがついていい感じではありますが・・・。どうでしょう。


Kanazawa’s modern building “Bungeikan and Gallery Mita”.

Kanazawa: The area around Hashibacho is quite popular.

Speaking of Kanazawa, the area around this “Hashibacho” is quite popular and a lot of people gather there. There are teahouse districts in Higashi, Nishi, and Kazuemachi, which are sightseeing spots. I guess it’s an old boys’ playground, but it’s a street like a teahouse in Kyoto. Of course, just like in Kyoto, there is a geisha house and a training center. A sign is up on a small Japanese house. The townscape has been beautifully maintained and recreated. These days, they are all souvenir shops, but there are also restaurants. If you get off at the Hashiba-cho bus stop and walk towards Omi-cho, you will find “Kanazawa Literature Museum” and “Gallery Mita” along the intersection. It’s a retro looking building, so you can see him right away, but he’s standing in a nice way.

The Kanazawa Literature Museum is a place of origin for literary activities.

The Kanazawa Literary Museum is of course designated as a nationally registered tangible cultural property, and was established in 2005 as a center for literary activities, named after the many literary figures that Kanazawa has produced. On the day of the event, there was a signboard of Hiroyuki Itsuki, and it seems that the Kanazawa Itsuki Library is permanently installed on his second floor.

Gallery Mita is designated as a tangible cultural property

Gallery Mita is a two-story reinforced concrete building built in 1930 by the former Mita Shoten. The walls are covered with scratch tiles and the entrance is beautifully decorated. It’s nice to have a little twilight light. However, it feels like this dusk, and even though it was raining and cloudy that day, around 2 o’clock in Kanazawa feels like around 5 o’clock in the evening. Overall, it feels like it’s already evening even though it’s daytime. Perhaps because of that, the lights come on quickly, and he has a nice feeling with the lights on the buildings and buildings… What do you think?


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