

香川県に三豊市というところがありますが、この辺りにあるとある浜が、 夕日が絶景だということで見に行くことにしました。

昔はそんなに人気の方だそうですが、最近日増しに人が増えて すごい観光名所になってます。



人が車から出て、 浜辺に出る。




これを動画に撮ったりまた、写真を撮ったりと 何て言うかばえると言うかそんな感じです。要するにインスタ映えするの画像がたくさん取れるということです。

皆さん思い思いの格好で、夕方に映る自分とか 彼女とか 家族とか、ビデオに撮ったり写真に撮ったりしています。結構な人数です、結構な人気です。

結構田舎の町なんですけども、こんな通りにたくさんの車で人が たくさん来ています。おしゃれな店も出来ています、 いいんじゃないですか。


本当は、この三豊市にある、とある喫茶店に行きたかったわけですが 知らないうちに閉店してしまってました。

この喫茶店も結構山の上にあって、そこから海を眺める、結構な絶景で お茶が飲める。有名だったと思いますが 昔は土日しかやっておらず、徐々にお客さんも減っていたんでしょうが閉店してしまってました。

ちょっと残念ではありますが、ま、だけども かわりに 結構いい場所が見つかってしまいました。




この香川県の三豊市の父母が浜は、ネットでもライブ配信をしておりますので  ネットで見学することもできます。

いわゆるライブビデオっていうやつで24時間やってます。 YouTube ですね・・・。


YouTube は各所 こういったライブ配信がやられてますので、いろんな場所がライブで見れます。


I went to “Chichibugahama”. A beach with a superb view of the sunset in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture

Gradually popular…

There is a place called Mitoyo City in Kagawa Prefecture, and I decided to go see a certain beach in this area because the sunset is spectacular.

He used to be so popular, but recently the number of people has increased day by day and he has become a great tourist attraction.

A lot of people came that day as well. When you arrive at the site, there is a large parking lot facing the sea, but there are quite a few cars parked, and I think the sunset is around 6:30 at this time of year.

There were still few cars, but as expected, many cars were lined up at the time.

A person gets out of the car and goes to the beach.

beautiful sunset

Seawater recedes on this beach as the sun sets. In short, it becomes like a tidal flat.

The sunset reflected in this tidal flat and the reflection of the people are quite beautiful.

It’s kind of like taking a video or taking a picture of it. In short, it means that you can take a lot of Instagrammable images.

Everyone is dressed as they please, and in the evening they take pictures of themselves, their girlfriends, and their families. A lot of people, very popular.

It’s a pretty rural town, but there are a lot of people coming by car on this street. There are also fashionable shops, isn’t it nice?

I had a different goal…

Actually, I wanted to go to a certain coffee shop in Mitoyo City, but it closed before I knew it.

This coffee shop is also quite high up in the mountains, and you can enjoy a cup of tea with a magnificent view of the sea from there. I think it was famous, but in the past it was only open on Saturdays and Sundays, and the number of customers was gradually decreasing, but it was closed.

It’s a little disappointing, but I’ve found a pretty good place to replace her.

Are you lucky?

Streaming live online

Chichibugahama Beach in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, is also being streamed live on the internet, so you can also watch it online.

I’m doing so-called live video 24 hours a day. It’s YouTube…

Various places on YouTube are doing live distribution, so you can watch live in various places.

These days, it’s convenient. What about that area?


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