

大阪 池田の山手に”小林一三”の昔のおうちがあって これが今は中を見物できる記念館のような感じになっていて その中に昔の資料の陳列がされてあって その古さが面白いというか、大阪の人にはなじみのチラシとかがあって 非常に興味深い。





たとえば、阪急電車関係のもの 阪急百貨店関係のものとか歌劇のもの 東宝のものとか、西宮球場とか 海外旅行関係、その他多数です。小林は明治の実業家で特に銀行をはじめ その資金力で関西に電鉄を作った。






有名なのは阪急電鉄で その構想は小林が海外視察とかで勉強した結果だと思うが、街を作り 街をつなぐ電車を作り、面白いのはその駅えきに娯楽や百貨店を作った。映画や遊園地や球場や 人々の交通手段、その駅駅に住宅や娯楽、これって人々の生活を作った、文化を作ったって感じで すごいお金がかかっただろうが、異常にでっかい構想で それこそ銀行家でないとできないこと。今の時代でも同じことの繰り返しですが。





その文化の流れの中で 明治・大正・昭和の時代のチラシや書物、看板等の絵柄がおもしろいっていうか 特徴的で面白い。昔の人は繊細なのか その絵柄・色合いが実にいい。今は技術が優れているので 結構簡単に作れるかもしれないが、昔はアナログで一文字一文字が その絵柄が素晴らしいではないでしょうか。



昔の写真なんかもあって 昔の梅田の界隈、阪急百貨店はこんなだったとか、世界地図や宝塚の様相、催しの案内 みてると飽きないです。新京阪線の十三から京都、園田の住宅地販売のチラシとか。京阪は昔、阪急と阪神は同じ会社で電鉄会社として始まって その後、別々に分かれたみたいですが、今では海沿いと山手って感じで全く違う感じではありますが・・。そんな過去もあって この京阪電鉄も始まったんでしょうか?歴史を感じさせる、絵柄も面白い いい感じです。



The old leaflets and items in the Kobayashi Ichizo residence museum are interesting. As expected, the person who made Hankyu and Takarazuka is a big conglomerate.

There is Ichizo Kobayashi residence of Hankyu.

There is an old house of “Ichizo Kobayashi” in the hills of Ikeda, Osaka, and now it feels like a memorial hall where you can see the inside. But it’s interesting, or rather, it’s very interesting because there are flyers that are familiar to the people of Osaka.

Materials of Hankyu and Takarazuka.

For example, things related to Hankyu trains, things related to Hankyu department stores, things related to operas, things related to Toho, Nishinomiya stadium, things related to overseas travel, and many others. Kobayashi was a businessman in the Meiji era who built a railway in Kansai with his financial power, especially starting with a bank.

Overseas culture that I learned from overseas inspections.

The famous one is Hankyu Railway, and I think Kobayashi’s idea is the result of studying abroad, but he built a town, made a train that connects the town, and interestingly, made an entertainment and a department store at the station. Movies, amusement parks, stadiums, people’s means of transportation, stations, houses and entertainment, this created people’s lives and created a culture. And he can only do that as a banker. The same thing is repeated in this day and age.

Patterns such as chitashi are interesting.

Within that cultural flow, the designs on flyers, books, signboards, etc. from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras are interesting, or rather, distinctive and interesting. Maybe people in the old days were delicate, but he has really good patterns and colors. Nowadays, the technology is excellent, so it may be easy to make, but in the past, it was analog, and the pattern of each character was wonderful.

There are also old photos.

There are also old photos, such as the old Umeda neighborhood, Hankyu Department Store like this, world maps, Takarazuka, and event guides. From Juso on the Shinkeihan line to Kyoto and Sonoda residential area sales leaflets. In Keihan, Hankyu and Hanshin used to be the same railway company, but after that, they split off separately, but now the coastal and mountainous areas are completely different, but… Did he start this Keihan Electric Railway because of such a past? I like him, who makes you feel history and has interesting designs.


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