

姫路の網干区 海の見える海岸通りあたりに”ダイセル”という会社がある。網干区の旧地を見に行ったついでに行ってみた。”ダイセル”はもと 大日本セルロイド株式会社として大正8年にできたみたいで 略して”ダイセル”って、分かりやすい。セルロイドっていうことうだから 化学系分野なんだろうけど、タバコのフィルターや車のエアーバックなんかで世界的にシェアーを広げているみたいだ。もちろん東証1部企業だ。





”ダイセル”のこの技術力の下づえが この地にある外人向けの社宅でしょう。明治維新後の昔の企業は やっぱ、新しい技術を手に入れて 日本を近代国家にするため、急速に伸ばすために 破格に賃金で外人を導入した時期があったらしく このダイセルの敷地内に 今は観光的に結構昔の状態で 維持しているみたいで。この昔の外人向け社宅が結構いい感じで建っている。ま~、敷地がかなり広大で でかい! 鉄筋の社屋も大きいが小さく見え得る、その他は化学工場が建っているが。とりあえず広い。こんな大企業が網干にあれば この街は安泰でしょうけど・・・。






しかし、昔は日本の技術はかなり遅れていたんでしょう、でも 割にいい考えで 昔の日本は今よりももっと自由だったんでしょう。企業もやりやすかったんじゃないですか?今じゃ既得権だとか法律(コンプライアンス)だとかいって がんじがらめで 新規企業が生まれにくく 経済成長は全く期待できない。新規事業としてはコンピュータが伸びて その延長上の事業があほほど予想されているのに 日本は全く伸びない、今後もそうなんでしょう。だjけど、このダイセルのような企業の時代に 技術は海外から盗む 人間ごと盗んでしまう 高収入を約束すれば、人間は動く。今の日本にはその考えはない。その時代の象徴としてこんな会社があって まさに”物まね””技術を盗む”、そんなやりたい放題のガムシャラな時代の日本を思いださてくれる。また、この洋風建物もすごくいい。



I went to “Daicel” in Aboshi-ku, Himeji. Dainippon Celluloid Co., Ltd., one of Japan’s leading companies.

There is a company called Daicel in Aboshi Ward.

In Aboshi Ward, Himeji, there is a company called “Daisel” near the coastal street where you can see the sea. I went to see the old place in Aboshi Ward. Dainippon Celluloid Co., Ltd. seems to have been established in 1919, so it’s easy to abbreviate to Daicel. Since it’s called celluloid, it’s probably in the chemical field, but it seems that it’s expanding its market share globally for things like cigarette filters and car airbags. Of course, it is a company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

In the old days, many Gaijin engineers were invited.

The company’s housing for foreigners in this area is probably based on this technology of “Daicel”. In the old days after the Meiji Restoration, he seems to have had a period of time when foreigners were brought in at exceptional wages in order to acquire new technology and make Japan a modern nation, in order to rapidly grow. It seems that the inside is now maintained in a quite old state for tourism. This old company housing for foreigners is built with a good feeling. Well, the site is quite large and huge! The steel-reinforced building is also large, but it can appear small, although there is a chemical factory on the other side. It’s wide for now. If there were such a large company in Aboshi, the city would be safe, but…

There is no idea of growing in Japan today.

However, in the old days, Japanese technology must have been far behind, but it’s a good idea. Isn’t it easy for companies to do it? Nowadays, he is tied up with vested interests and laws (compliance), and it is difficult for new companies to be born, and economic growth cannot be expected at all. As a new business, computers are growing, and he expects a lot of additional business, but Japan is not growing at all. However, in this era of companies like Daicel, technology is stolen from overseas, people are stolen, and if you promise a high income, people will move. There is no such idea in Japan today. There is such a company as a symbol of that era, and he is exactly “imitating” and “stealing technology”, and it reminds me of Japan in the era of doing whatever you want. Also, this Western-style building is very nice.


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