

冬の花火を船上から見るという企画。いいじゃないですか。場所は京都の天橋立。天橋立の上空に花火が舞うわけです。この近辺の舞鶴には昔よくいってて、冬のカニの季節になると この辺の海鮮、蟹とかあと魚系、フグだったりアマダイだったり、カワハギだったりと、これが非常においしいので よく魚屋さんに買いに行ってました。そのついでに、宮津の天橋立にも何回かはいってはいましたが、冬花火は初めてです。








本題は、天橋立の花火ですが、夜の7時半ぐらいから、30分間のショートプログラムではありますが、すごく楽しみです。天橋立の界隈はさすがに、日本の代表的な場所なので、お店とか旅館が立ち並んでいます。そのあたりにある船着き場があって、そこから船が出る。そして海の上に停泊して、30分間花火を見る。船着き場の手前の駐車場が5時以降にはタダになるということで、時間制限もなく これは事前情報で知っていたのでラッキーでした。





■船上からの花火 見事です。


大阪とかとは違い、この辺は田舎で明かりが少ない分、夜が非常にきれいです。星もいっぱい見えて、その中で花火がうちあがるわけですから、もうきれいに決まってる。また、やっぱ、この冬花火という企画、少し寒くなると 余計に空気が澄んで その分暑い時よりは視界が非常にきれい、その分 花火もきれいということで、花火は夏のイメージがありましたが、冬花火もなるほど 納得のきれいさでした。

I went to Amanohashidate winter fireworks in Miyazu, Kyoto. Getting on a boat and going off the coast of Miyazu, it’s cold!

This is Amanohashidate in Miyazu near Maizuru.

A plan to see winter fireworks from a ship. That’s a good idea. The place is Amanohashidate in Kyoto. Fireworks dance in the sky above Amanohashidate. I used to go to Maizuru around here a lot, and when the winter crab season came around, he would come here for seafood, crabs, other fish, pufferfish, tilefish, and filefish. I often went to the fishmonger to buy fish. On the other hand, I have been to Amanohashidate in Miyazu several times, but this is the first winter fireworks.

It takes about 2 hours from Osaka to Amanohashidate on the Maizuru Expressway.

Recently, the transportation is good, and instead of going to Maizuru on the Maizuru Expressway, there is a sign, but that is the direction of Amanohashidate. So, it’s right there when you get off the highway. From Osaka, it takes about 2 hours from the city. Also, there are many road signs in the area, so it is very easy to understand. This time, I left a little earlier and arrived at Miyazu around 3:00 in the afternoon. So, incidentally, I also went to the first Chirimen Kaido. This area is a very nice place with rural scenery. In the midst of this scenery, there is a road lined with wealthy old families that prospered as shipping wholesalers in the old days.

The parking lot in front of the pier does not cost money after 5 o’clock.

The main subject is the fireworks of Amanohashidate, and although it is a short program of 30 minutes from around 7:30 pm, I am really looking forward to it. The area around Amanohashidate is one of Japan’s most representative places, so there are many shops and inns. There is a boat dock near there, and boats depart from there. Then anchor on the sea and watch the fireworks for 30 minutes. I was lucky that the parking lot in front of the dock was free after 5 o’clock, and there was no time limit, so he knew this in advance.

I ate crab udon and taiyaki. was delicious.

Also, on a busy tourist attraction street, there was a shop serving delicious crab udon, so I had crab udon. Matsuba crab around here is delicious. The udon noodles with egg-bound crabs were sweet and delicious. After that, I ate a taiyaki at a taiyaki shop on the street. This was also delicious.

There is little light in the countryside, and the air is clean because of the cold. The fireworks are beautiful as well.

Unlike Osaka, this area is in the countryside and there are few lights, so the night is very beautiful. You can see a lot of stars, and the fireworks are set off in the middle of it, so it’s already decided. Also, in this winter fireworks project, when it gets a little colder, the air becomes even clearer, and the visibility is much more beautiful than when it’s hot. It was so beautiful that I could see the fireworks in winter.

