桐谷美玲『NEWS ZERO』卒業 キャスターとして6年半、様々なテーマを自ら取材 女優の桐谷美玲(28)が25日、火曜キャスターを務める日本テレビ系『NEWS ZERO』に生出演し、エンディングでこの日をもって番組を卒業することを発表した。 桐谷はこの日、自身のコーナーで「LGBTと家族」をテーマに、日本文学研究者で先月に同性愛者であることを公表したロバート・キャンベル氏や、子育てに悩むLGBT団体を自ら取材したVTRを紹介。LGBTの家族のあり方について「対社会ではできないことが多い。社会が変わっていかなくてはいけない」と考えを述べた。
きれいな女優さんですよね。とってもきれいです、なんか世界的にもランキングされてたみたいな感じでしたけれども、でしたよね。きれいなモデル上がりの女優さんって 最近多いですけど やっぱ、スタイルもいいし 見栄えもする。
1989年生まれ 28歳 163.5センチ A型
1989年生まれ 28歳 163.5センチ A型
Mirei Kiritani Graduated from “NEWS ZERO”. It’s sad that such a beautiful person can’t be seen publicly.
Mirei Kiritani Graduated from “NEWS ZERO” As a newscaster for 6 and a half years, interviewed herself on various themes Actress Mirei Kiritani (28) made a live appearance on NTV’s “NEWS ZERO” as a newscaster on Tuesdays on the 25th. announced that he would be graduating from the program. On that day, Kiritani interviewed Robert Campbell, a researcher of Japanese literature who came out as gay last month, and LGBT groups concerned about raising children, on the theme of “LGBT and family” in her corner. Introducing VTRs. She said, “There are many things that cannot be done against society. Society must change.”
She is one of the most beautiful actresses in the world.
You’re a beautiful actress. She’s so beautiful, it felt like she was ranked in the world, but it was. Recently, there are many beautiful actresses who graduated from modeling, but she has a good style and looks good.
Whether or not she’ll be a good actress is another matter, but the agency probably has a lot to do with it.
There are different types of actresses.
Sawajiri, Nozomi Sasaki, Kanana, and others all have beautiful styles, but other actresses are the mainstream. Satomi Ishihara, Alice Hirose, Mitsuki Takahata… Mirei Kiritani has good material, so I feel like she can change more and more, but I want her to become a good actress…
■ Mirei Kiritani
Born in 1989, 28 years old, 163.5 cm, blood type A
Japanese fashion model and actress. She is from Chiba prefecture.
She belongs to Sweet Power. Her husband is actor Shohei Miura.
Her hobby is watching soccer
Her special skills are piano and nail art
Her favorite foods are spicy food and crepes
her favorite sport is badminton