

  1. 函館郊外の牧場に行ってみた。どうよ、この環境。
  2. 阿蘇のふもととか富士山のふもとのような高原。
  3. 函館郊外の牛小屋です。


函館の牧場に行ってみた。やっぱ、函館っていうか 北海道は牛でしょう。乳製品がおいしい。ミルク系、バターとかチーズとか もろ牛乳とか、付随する製品 乳製品、チョコとか・・・。そんで やっぱ牧場があるに決まってる。ということで行ってみた。函館から高速で郊外に出て、車でゆっくりと山をあがっていく。いい感じです。そして ついに、山沿いに牧場がありました。









下に降りると 乳製品を販売している道の駅めいたものがあったので そこにもいってみた。もちろん、玄関には牛さんです。もちろん、ソフトクリームも頂きました。この辺で取れた、取れたての牛乳で作ったと思われる、ソフトクリーム、おいしいに決まってます。確かに牛乳いっぱいでおいしかった。敷地内に牛小屋があったので行ってみた。そしたら、当然、牛さんがいた。いつものように お尻を並べて えさを食していた。このお尻を並べた風景がいい。沖縄の石垣島でもこの光景が見られます。北海道も沖縄も一緒か・・・。




Hakodate ranch, a ranch located in a picture-perfect plateau.

I went to a ranch on the outskirts of Hakodate. How about this environment?

I went to a ranch in Hakodate. After all, Hakodate, or rather Hokkaido, is beef. Dairy products are delicious. Milk-based, butter, cheese, he’s raw milk, accompanying dairy products, chocolate… After all, he must have a ranch. So I went. From Hakodate, go out to the suburbs at high speed and drive slowly up the mountain. feel well. And finally, there was a ranch along the mountain.

A plateau like the foot of Aso or the foot of Mt. Fuji.

I feel great about this location… Speaking of places like this, the plateau at the foot of Mt. Aso… A plateau at the foot of Mt.Fuji, a sight that would never be seen in the Kansai region where I live now. So does it look good? In addition to the wonderful location, this ranch uses the size of this land luxuriously! In fact, there is a vast grassy plain with lots of grass, and of course, all of it becomes food for the cows, but I get all the milk from the cows that grow on it. Chocolate, ice cream, cheese, butter, anything can be a dairy product. The purpose is two, can this cow be eaten by humans? I have a bad idea, but…

It is a cowshed on the outskirts of Hakodate.

When I went downstairs, there was something that looked like a roadside station that sold dairy products, so I went there as well. Of course, there is a cow at the entrance. Of course, I also got soft serve ice cream. The soft-serve ice cream, which seems to be made with freshly harvested milk around here, is sure to be delicious. It sure was delicious with a lot of milk. There was a cowshed on the premises, so I went there. Then, of course, there was the cow. He was eating his food with his buttocks side by side as usual. I like the scenery with these butts lined up. This scene can also be seen on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa. Same with Hokkaido and Okinawa…


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