函館にいったついでに 松前藩に行ってきた。城とか資料館を巡ってきた、ちょっと恐ろしいような 人たちの絵が印象的だった。


  1. 北海道松前藩はアイヌ人との交易の地。
  2. 松前城は地名から福山城ともいう。
  3. アイヌの人々もずいぶん活躍した。


北海道松前藩は江戸幕府の時代には この北海道の地 蝦夷の地を支配していた藩で アイヌとの交易の地でもあったそうだ。 



そのアイヌの人たちめいた 偉人なんでしょうが そんな人々の絵が飾ってあった。いかにも アイヌ人といった感じの人たちだ。また、松前城は居城の名から福山城ともいうそうだ。秋口の北海道は 天候がすこぶる良く 晴れ晴れとした快晴で 写真写りがすごくいい。




■城を作ってみた 的な・・・。







アイヌは北海道、樺太 千島 カムチャッカ半島に渡る一帯に居住した人々。元来は文字を持たない物々交換を行う狩猟民族であったが、その後、地域との交易を 毛皮・海産物を主体として行い、オホーツク一帯に経済圏を有していた。その後、歴史の中で 大半が日本人、一部がロシア人となった。今では、北海道首都圏にも広く 居住されている。

アイヌの武人 偉人たち・・・。

While I was in Hakodate, I also visited the Matsumae clan. The paintings of the slightly frightening people who visited castles and museums left an impression on me.

The Matsumae domain in Hokkaido was a place of trade with the Ainu people.

The Hokkaido Matsumae Domain ruled over the Ezo region of Hokkaido during the Edo Shogunate era, and was said to have traded with the Ainu.

Matsumae Castle is also called Fukuyama Castle from the name of the place.

Pictures of those Ainu people, who must be great people, were displayed. He really does look like an Ainu. Matsumae Castle is also called Fukuyama Castle after the name of the castle where it resides. The weather in Hokkaido in early autumn is very nice, the weather is clear and sunny, and the photos are wonderful.

The Ainu people were also very active.

The Ainu are the people who inhabited the area spanning Hokkaido, Karafuto, the Kuril Islands, and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Originally, they were a hunter-gatherer tribe that did not have a written system of bartering, but after that they traded mainly furs and marine products with the region, and had an economic zone in the Okhotsk region. After that, throughout history, most of them were Japanese, and some were Russian. Nowadays, they are widely residing in the Hokkaido metropolitan area.

Ainu Warriors Great men…


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